01.12.6 Efficiency of Soils in the Fulfillment of the Natural Soil Functions and the Archival Function

Map Description

Areas with an overall high efficacy predominate on the plateaus in the north and south, the Spandauer Forst and the Gosener Wiesen. By contrast, highly populated areas that are far from being near-natural are characterised by a low to medium efficacy.

Map Imprint

ERM Lahmeyer International, Prof. Dr. Schrader und Dr. Gramatte

Data Processing and Map Production:
Josef Gerstenberg, Ursula Smettan; FPK Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Dr. Anne Tauch

December 2000


  • 1.12.6 Efficiency of Soils in the Fulfillment of the Natural Soil Functions and the Archival Function

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