Soil-Scientific Characteristic Values 2005



  • Soil-Scientific Characteristic Values as Word document

    DOCX-Document (45.4 kB)

  • Soil-S cientific Characteristic Values as PDF document

    PDF-Document (219.6 kB)

  • Documentation Soil Maps and Soil Data 2005 [only in German]

    PDF-Document (1.2 MB)


  • 01.06.1 Soil Textures

    PDF-Document (4.1 MB)

  • 01.06.2 Usable Field Capacity of Shallow-Root Plants

    PDF-Document (3.5 MB)

  • 01.06.4 Usable Field Capacity of the Effective Root Zone

    PDF-Document (3.5 MB)

  • 01.06.5 Humus Quantity

    PDF-Document (3.5 MB)

  • 01.06.7 pH Values of Topsoil

    PDF-Document (3.5 MB)

  • 01.06.8 Sum of Exchangeable Basic Cations in the Topsoil (S-Value)

    PDF-Document (3.5 MB)

  • 01.06.9 Mean Effective Cation Exchange Capacity (KAKeff)

    PDF-Document (3.5 MB)

  • 01.06.10 Saturated Water Permeability (kf)

    PDF-Document (3.5 MB)


01.06.1 Types of Soil

  • Table 1: Types of Soil and their Occurrence in Berlin

    GIF-Document (20.0 kB)
    Document: partially from Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

  • Table 2: Designations of Coarse Soil Types Occurring in Berlin Soils

    GIF-Document (6.3 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

  • Table 3: Name of Peat Types Occurring in Berlin Soils

    GIF-Document (4.6 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

01.06.2 Utilizable Capillary Capacity of Flate Root Plants

  • Table 1: Utilizable Capillary Capacity for Flat and Deepzone in (mm) and their evaluation

    GIF-Document (8.9 kB)
    Document: according to GRENZIUS (1987)

01.06.4 Utilizable Capillary Capacity of the Effective Root Zone

  • Table 1: Depths of the Effective Root Zone (in dm), by Soil Type and Use

    GIF-Document (7.5 kB)
    Document: Plath-Dreetz et al. 1988

  • Table 2: Gradation of the Utilizable Capillary Capacity of the Effective Root Zone

    GIF-Document (6.5 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

01.06.5 Humus Quantities

  • Table 1: Average Humus Contents by Use

    GIF-Document (10.2 kB)
    Document: compiled from Fahrenhorst et al. (1990)

  • Table 2: Gradation of Humus Quantity, according to Results from Berlin Soils

    GIF-Document (5.8 kB)
    Document: Gerstenberg & Smettan, 2005

01.06.7 pH Values of Topsoil

  • Table 1: pH Level

    GIF-Document (9.9 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994, changed

01.06.8 Sum of Interchangable Basics Cation of Topsoil (S-Value)

  • Table 1: Relationship between Alkaline Saturation (Bs) in % and pH (CaCl2) of Mineral Soil Zones in Berlin

    GIF-Document (15.7 kB)
    Document: Grenzius 1987

  • Table 2: Gradation of S-Value

    GIF-Document (8.0 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

01.06.9 Mean Effective Cation Exchange Capacity

  • Table 1: Average KAK Values of the Soil Types

    GIF-Document (11.3 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

  • Table 2: pH factors for the Determination of the Effective KAK of the Humus Fraction

    GIF-Document (6.0 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

  • Table 3: Relationship between Humus Content and Potential KAK

    GIF-Document (6.2 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994, supplemented by Z3 peat

  • Table 4: Effective Cation Capacity Levels

    GIF-Document (6.1 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994

01.06.10 Water Permeability (kf)

  • Table 1: Water Permeability in Water-Saturated Soil (kf value) by Soil Type at the Mean Effective Retention Density of Ld3, Supplemented by Medium-Decomposed Peat (Z 3) at Medium Substance Volume (SV 3)

    GIF-Document (12.1 kB)
    Document: from the Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive (1994)

  • Table 2: Classification of Water Permeability in Water-Saturated Soil

    GIF-Document (6.6 kB)
    Document: Soil-Scientific Mapping Directive 1994