In this context, a number of mapping activities have been commissioned since 1999 by the environmental authorities of the Federal State of Berlin in order to assess how far the current morphological state of rivers, streams and lakes deviates from the potentially natural conditions.
The following mapping activities have been commissioned (see section "Methods" for a short explanation of the methods applied):
- 1999: Morphology of the rivers Havel, Spree, and Dahme using the desktop survey method (ÜV) (SenStadtUmTech, 1999)
- 2000: Morphology of selected smaller streams using the desktop survey method (ÜV) (SenStadt, 2000)
- 2002: Morphology of selected segments of Tegeler Fließ and Fredersdorfer Mühlenfließ using the on site survey method (VOV) (ILAT, 2002)
- 2003: Morphology of selected smaller streams using the on site survey method (VOV) (SenStadt, 2003)
- 2006: Morphology of Tegeler Fließ, Panke, and Seegraben using the on site survey method (VOV) (SenGesUmV, 2010)
- 2007: Lake shore morphology of the lakes along the Spree and Dahme as well as the Pfaueninsel/Havel using the lake shore survey method (SUK) (SenGesUmV, 2009a)
- 2009: Morphology of Wuhle and Neuer Wuhle using the on site survey method (VOV) (SenGesUmV, 2010)
- 2010: Lake shore morphology of the lakes along the Havel as well as the Tegeler Sees using the lake shore survey method (SUK)