The demarcation of water conservation districts and zones and the location of wells and well galleries followed the large-scale maps of the Berlin Public Water Companies and the Berlin Department of Urban Development, Environmental Protection and Technology. Amounts withdrawn by waterwork wells or well galleries and groundwater recharge plants are set by the Public Water Companies. The location and withdrawal amounts of private sector water supply plants are taken from the databank of the Work Group Water Management Bases (Arbeitsgruppe Wasserwirtschaftliche Grundlagen) of the Berlin Department of Urban Development, Environmental Protection and Technology.
The withdrawal amounts of private sector water supply plants and of waterworks or well galleries are based on the water management year November – October (Wasserwirtschaftsjahr – WWJ). Figures for Berlin Public Water Companies facilities and private sector water supply plants correspond to the 1995 water management year; for the Brandenburg waterworks, water management year 1993. Groundwater recharge plant quantities refer to calendar year 1995.
Water processing at the Teufelsee Waterwork was ended in 1970; at the Friedrichsfelde Waterwork in 1993. The Köpenick Waterwork has only processed drinking water since 1988. Its production is included in the raw water production of the Friedrichshagen Waterwork. No water is being produced from the waterwork wells at Altglienicke and Riemeisterfenn or from the partial gallery at Nikolassee (Beelitzhof Waterwork).
The withdrawal amounts for the Brandenburg waterworks were made available by the State of Brandenburg Ministry for the Environment, Conservation, and Regional Planning. The delineation of Brandenburg waterworks protection areas was made available by water supply operators themselves.