Potential for the Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage (Soil De-Sealing) 2023


Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg [Statistical Office for Berlin-Brandenburg] 2014:
Kernindikatoren zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung Berlins – 2. Datenbericht 2014. [Core indicators of the sustainable development of Berlin – 2nd Data Report 2014].
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 10 January 2024)

Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg [Statistical Office for Berlin-Brandenburg] 2021:
Indikatorenbericht für nachhaltige Entwicklung Berlin 2021. [Indicator report for sustainable development, Berlin 2021]
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2010:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin – Pilotstudie 2010, [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin, Pilot study, 2010], prepared for the Senate Department for Health, the Environment and Consumer Protection, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater, unpublished.

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2011:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin – Hauptstudie 2011 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin, Main study, 2011], prepared for the Senate Department for Health, the Environment and Consumer Protection, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater, unpublished.

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2012:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin – Hauptstudie 2012 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin, Main study, 2012], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater, unpublished.

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2013:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2013 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2013], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater, unpublished.

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2013:
Teil 1: Literaturrecherche – Wiederherstellung der natürlichen Bodenfunktionen nach einer Entsiegelung [Part 1: Literature review – regeneration of the natural soil functions after removing the impervious cover], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater.
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2014:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2014 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2014], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater, unpublished.

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2014:
Teil 2: Arbeitshilfe – Wiederherstellung der natürlichen Bodenfunktionen nach einer Entsiegelung [Part 2: Tool – regeneration of the natural soil functions after removing the impervious cover], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater.
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2015:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2015 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2015], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater, unpublished.

Blaschke, D., W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg, HVB Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH 2016:
Arbeitshilfe Orientierende Kostenschätzung für Entsiegelungsmaßnahmen [Tool for orientation on cost estimation for implementation of impervious coverage removal], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater.
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

BMUV (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection) 2021:
German Sustainable Development Strategy – 2021 Update and New Version of 2016
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Deiwick, B., H. Zeisler (Free Planning Group Berlin GmbH), W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2020:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2020 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2020], prepared for the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Division II C Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites, unpublished.

Deiwick, B., H. Zeisler (Free Planning Group Berlin GmbH), W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2021:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2021 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2021], prepared for the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Division II C Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites, unpublished.

Deiwick, B., U. Ziechmann (Free Planning Group Berlin GmbH), W. Siewert (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2022:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2022 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2022], prepared for the Senate Department for the Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action, Division II C Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites, unpublished.

Federal Government 2021:
German Sustainable Development Strategy 2021
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

LABO (Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz) [Federal/Länder Working Group on Soil Protection] (ed.) 2020:
LABO-Statusbericht 2020 – Reduzierung der Flächenneuinanspruchnahme und der Versiegelung [2020 LABO Status Report – Reduction of new land consumption and impervious soil coverage]
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 22 December 2023)

SenUVK (Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Berlin) 2020:
Verfahren zur Bewertung und Bilanzierung von Eingriffen im Land Berlin [Procedure for the evaluation and auditing of impacts in nature and the landscape for the State of Berlin].
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

SenUVK (Senate Department for the Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action) 2021:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin – Ergänzung und Fortschreibung Phase XII.b (2021) – Pilot-projekt Entsiegelung – am Beispiel: Ehemaliger Forellenhof Roter, Berlin-Spandau [Potential for the Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage in Berlin – Addition and Update, Phase XII.b (2021) – Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage Pilot Project – illustrated by: former ”Forellenhof Roter”, Berlin-Spandau].
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Siewert, W. (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2016:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2016 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2016], prepared for the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Division VIII C Soil Protection and Remediation of Soil, Contaminated Sites and Groundwater, unpublished.

Siewert, W. (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2017:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2017 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2017], prepared for the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Division II C Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites, unpublished.

Siewert, W. (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2018:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2018 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2018], prepared for the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Division II C Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites, unpublished.

Siewert, W. (Cassens + Siewert Planning Group), J. Gerstenberg 2019:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2019 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin 2019], prepared for the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Division II C Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites, unpublished.

Siewert, W., (Planungsgruppe Cassens + Siewert) [Cassens + Siewert Planning Group], S. Beithan, S. Schicketanz (bosch&partner), M. Sciesielski (HVB Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH), J. Gerstenberg 2023:
Entsiegelungspotenziale in Berlin 2023 [Potential for the removal of impervious coverage in Berlin, 2023], commissioned by the Senate Department for the Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action, Division II C Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites, unpublished.

Statistisches Bundesamt [Federal Statistical Office] 2018:
Sustainable Development in Germany – Indicator Report 2018.
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) [Federal Statistical Office] (ed.) 2023a:
Erläuterungen zum Indikator „Anstieg der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche“ [Explanations regarding the indicator “Increase in settlement and traffic area”].
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) [Federal Statistical Office] (ed.) 2023b:
Flächennutzung – Flächenindikator “Anstieg der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche” [Land Use – area indicator “Increase in settlement and traffic area”].
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) [Federal Statistical Office] (ed.) 2023c:
Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche wächst jeden Tag um 55 Hektar [Settlement and traffic area expanding by 55 hectares per day], press release.
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

UBA (Umweltbundesamt) [Federal Environment Agency] 2017:
Flächensparen – Böden und Landschaften erhalten [Economising land consumption – preserving soils and landscapes].
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

UBA (Umweltbundesamt) [Federal Environment Agency] 2019:
Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche [Settlement and traffic area].
[only available in German]
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)

UN (United Nations) 2015:
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
(Accessed on 21 December 2023)


SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Berlin) (ed.) 2015:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Map 01.13 Planning Advice for Soil Protection, 2015
1 : 50,000, Berlin.
(Accessed on 21 November 2023)