Planning Advice for Soil Protection 2010
Planning Advice for Soil Protection as Word document
DOCX-Document (571.0 kB)
Planning Advice for Soil Protection as PDF document
PDF-Document (374.6 kB)
Documentation Soil Maps and Soil Data 2010 [only in German]
PDF-Document (1.3 MB)
01.13 Planning Advice for Soil Protection
PDF-Document (4.0 MB)
Figure 1: Chart for assignment to the protection category "Maximum protection level"
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Figure 2: Chart for assignment to the protection category "Very high protection level"
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Figure 3: Chart for assignment to the protection category " High protection level"
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Figure 4: Chart for assignment to the protection category " Medium protection level"
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Figure 5: Chart for assignment to the protection category "Low protection level"
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Figure 6: Area shares of soil protection categories by imperviousness class (percentages, without roads and waters)
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Figure 6: Area shares of soil protection categories by imperviousness class (percentages, without roads and waters)
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Figure 7: Total area and pervious area of soil-protection categories
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Figure 7: Total area and pervious area of soil-protection categories
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Figure 8: Area shares of use classes per soil-protection category
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Figure 8: Area shares of use classes per soil-protection category
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Table 1: Area balance of the soil protection categories
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Table 2: Example of a planning requirements table
GIF-Document (67.3 kB)