Planning Advice for Soil Protection 2001


Building code in the setting of the announcement of September 23, 2004 version, (Federal Gazette I p. 2414), amended by Article 1 of the law of December 21, 2006, (Federal Gazette I P. 3316)

Berlin Speak Soil Protection Law
(Bln BodSchG) June 24, 2004 version, (Berlin Gazette p. 250)

Federal Soil Protection Law:
BBodSchG “Law for the protection against harmful changes in the soil and for the rehabilitation of toxic waste sites” of March 17, 1998, (Federal Gazette I p. 502), amended by Article 3 of the law of December 9, 2004, (Federal Gazette I p. 3214)

Federal Soil Protection and Residual Waste Ordinance
(BBodSchV) of July 12, 1999, (Federal Gazette I no. 36 p. 1554), changed by Article 2 of the ordinance of December 23, 2004 (Federal Gazette I p. 3758)

Faensen-Thiebes, A., Gerstenberg, J., Goedecke, M. & Smettan U. 2006:
Maps on the function-related efficiency of soils in Berlin. in: Bodenschutz No. 3, Berlin.

Faensen-Thiebes, A. & Goedecke, M. 2007:
Bewertung von Stadtböden für Umweltprüfungen in der Bauleitplanung [Assessment of municipal soils for environmental tests in development planning]. in: Makki, M. & Eidam U. (eds.): Böden im städtischen Umfeld. Berliner Geografische Arbeiten 108 [Soils in the municipal environment].

Gerstenberg, J.H. & Smettan, U., 2001 & 2005:
Preparation of maps for the assessment of the soil functions, on behalf of the Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin 2001 & 2005.

Gerstenberg, J.H., Siewert, W. & Smettan U. 2007:
Catalogue of models and measures for professional soil protection in Berlin. on behalf of the Senate Department for Health, Environment and Consumer Protection.

Smettan U. & Lietz, N. 2006:
Sanierungsbedürftigkeit und Schutzwürdigkeit von Böden [Rehabilitation requirement and protection-worthiness of the soils]. In Handbuch der Bodenkunde [Manual of soil science], Ch. 8.6. pp. 1 -12, Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg.

Digital Maps

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin) (ed.) 2004:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, 2004 Edition, Map 01.02 Imperviousness, 1: 50,000, Berlin.

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin) (ed.) 2006:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, 2006 Edition, Map 01.12 Soil Functions, 1: 50,000, Berlin.