Age and Inventory Structure of the Forests 2005

Statistical Base

The data base for all the following data is the Forest Management for the inventory years 2000-2003. During this time period, all Berlin forests (owned by the State of Berlin and managed by the Berlin Forestry Management) were for the first time investigated according to a uniform method. The most important investigation parameters are the forest address (Forestry Agency, Forestry District, Section, Sub-Section, Plot), species of tree, age-classes, inventory layers, stocking levels (measure for the density of the inventory) and various other parameters relevant for planning. The method has also been carried out in the same manner on areas protected under conservation law, including those protected areas (forest areas in state ownership) which are for the most part directly managed by the Berlin Forestry Management.

The operational maps in the scale of 1: 10,000 served as the map basis, with representation of the main tree-species group per plot/subsection, as well as the symbols for mixed tree species of the main stock and the symbols for the tree species of the other inventory layers.