Management of Rain and Waste Water 2022


Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin [House of Representatives of Berlin] (ed.) 2009:
Drucksache 16 / 13 357, Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Claudia Hämmerling (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) vom 06. Mai 2009 (Eingang beim Abgeordnetenhaus am 07. Mai 2009) und Antwort, Abwassererschließung im Raum Blankenburg [Printed matter 16 / 13 357, Parliamentary question submitted by deputy Claudia Hämmerling (Alliance 90 / The Greens) on May 6, 2009 (received by the House of Representatives on May 7, 2009) and response, sewerage development in the Blankenburg area.]
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 23 May 2023)

Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin [House of Representatives of Berlin] (ed.) 2022:
Drucksache 19 / 11 526, Schriftliche Anfrage des Abgeordneten Torsten Hofer (SPD) vom 05. April 2022 (Eingang beim Abgeordnetenhaus am 21. April 2022) und Antwort, Grubenabfuhr in Berlin und Pankow IX – hier: Altsiedlung Blankenfelde [Printed matter 17 / 15 735, Parliamentary question submitted in writing by deputy Torsten Hofer (SPD) on April 5, 2022 (received by the House of Representatives on April 21, 2022) and response, Septic tank disposal in Berlin and Pankow IX – here: Old settlement of Blankenfelde]
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 23 May 2023)

BWB (Berlin Waterworks) 2012:
Die Berliner Kanalisation [Berlin’s drainage system].
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 23 May 2023)

HYDOR (HYDOR Consult GmbH) 2023:
Fortschreibung des Umweltatlas – Daten und Karten „Art der Kanalisation“ und „Einzugsgebiete der Regenwasserkanalisation“. [Environmental Atlas update – Data and Maps “Type of Drainage” and “Catchment Areas of Rainwater Drainage”. Documentation. Senate Department for Urban Environment, Building and Housing (ed.), unpublished.

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development) (ed.) 2001:
Abwasserbeseitigungsplan Berlin unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Immissionszielplanung [Berlin wastewater disposal plan with particular focus on immission target planning], as of October 2001.
(Accessed on 23 May 2023)

SenStadtWohn (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (ed.) 2021:
Flächennutzung und Stadtstruktur – Dokumentation der Kartiereinheiten und Aktualisierung des Datenbestandes 2015 [Land use and urban structure – Documentation of the mapping units and update of the data base, 2015].
/umweltatlas/_assets/literatur/nutzungen_stadtstruktur_2020.pdf [only in German]
(Accessed on 23 May 2023)

SenUMVK (Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action) (ed.) 2021:
Hinweisblatt: Begrenzung von Regenwassereinleitungen bei Bauvorhaben in Berlin (BReWa-BE) [Information sheet: Rainwater discharge limitations for construction projects in Berlin (BReWa-BE)]
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 16 May 2023)
See also: [only in German]

SenUVK (Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection) (ed.) 2018:
Leistungsfähigkeit von Praxiserprobten Formen der dezentralen Regenwasserbewirtschaftung im urbanen Kontext [Performance of field-tested forms of local rainwater management in an urban context].
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 16 May 2023)
See also: [only in German]


BWB (Berlin Waterworks) (ed.) 2022:
Karten vom Abwassernetz: Regenwasser, Mischwasser, Schmutzwasser [Maps of the sewerage network: Rainwater, combined sewage, waste water], digital data, Berlin, as of October 2022, unpublished.

BWB (Berlin Waterworks) (ed.) 2022a:
Karte der Einzugsgebiete der Kanalisation, [Map of catchment areas of the drainage system], digital data, Berlin, as of October 2022, unpublished.

BWB (Berlin Waterworks) (ed.) 2022b:
Art der Kanalisation der Straßenflächen [Type of drainage of the road areas], digital data, Berlin, as of October 2022, unpublished.

SenStadtWohn (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (ed.) (2017):
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Edition 2017, Map 02.13. Surface Runoff, Percolation, Total Runoff and Evaporation from Precipitation.

SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2020:
Informationssystem Stadt und Umwelt (ISU5) – Raumbezug 2020 (Umweltatlas) [Urban and Environmental Information System (ISU5) – Spatial Reference 2020 (Environmental Atlas)]
Internet: [only in German]

SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2020a:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Maps 06.01 and 06.02 Actual Use of Built-up Areas / Inventory of Green and Open Spaces 2020

SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2021:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Map 01.02 Impervious Soil Coverage (Sealing of Soil Surface), Berlin.