Traffic Volumes ADT 1993
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07.01 Traffic Volumes ADT
Fig. 1: Automobile Stock and Fuel Use Berlin, 1970 - 1995
Fig. 1: Automobile Stock and Fuel Use Berlin, 1970 - 1995
Fig. 2: Motorization Level in Berlin, 1970 - 1995
Fig. 2: Motorization Level in Berlin, 1970 - 1995
Fig. 3: Annual Progress Line of the Daily Traffic Levels at the Halensee Long-term Measurement Point on Freeway A 100, 1993
Fig. 4: Average Hourly Traffic Levels per Weekday in 1994, at the South Reinickendorf Long-term Measurement Point, Freeway A 111
Fig. 5: Daily Progress Line at Brückenstrasse, Borough of Mitte, 17 Jan. 1995
Fig. 6: Daily Progress Line at Frankfurter Allee, Borough of Friedrichshain, 21 Oct. 1993
Tab. 1: Projection Factors, DTV-Wt and DTV for the 1993 Traffic Count
Tab. 2: Segment Length per Load Category, 1993, DTV-Wt
Tab. 3: Segments with Highest Truck Cross-Section Load, 1993 (DTV-Wt > 65,000 MV/24 hrs.)
Tab. 4: Road Segments with Highest Truck Cross-Section Load, 1993 (DTV > 4,500 Trucks/24 hrs.)
Tab. 5: Street Length and Annual Distance Traveled, by Load Category (Motor Vehicles) 1993