Population Density 1994
Population Density as Word document
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Population Density as PDF document
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06.06 Population Density
PDF-Document (11.3 MB)
Fig. 1: Population Density of Berlin Compared to Other Cities, in People per Hectare
GIF-Document (4.7 kB)
Fig. 1: Population Density of Berlin Compared to Other Cities, in People per Hectare
XLSX-Document (24.8 kB)
Fig. 2: Development of Population Density for Selected Berlin Boroughs (people/hectare within Berlin boroughs)*
GIF-Document (6.7 kB)
Fig. 2: Development of Population Density for Selected Berlin Boroughs (people/hectare within Berlin boroughs)*
XLSX-Document (27.4 kB)
Fig. 3: Assignment of Population Figures for Redefined Blocks
GIF-Document (6.2 kB)
Tab. 1: Average Population Density per Area Type and Use
XLSX-Document (17.2 kB)