Long-term Development of Selected Climate Parameters 2013


Berliner Morgenpost 2011:
Article "Berlins einzigartige Wetterstation verschwunden" ["Berlin’s unique weather station vanished"], edition of August 6, 2011, Berlin.
(accessed on March 15, 2015)

CEC-Potsdam n.d.:
WETTREG 2010 -- Wetterlagenbasierte Regionalisierungsmethode [regionalisation method based on weather conditions], Online-Informationen und Datenzugriff [online information and data access], Potsdam.
(accessed on March 10, 2016)

Deutscher Wetterdienst [German Meteorological Service] DWD n.d.:
Online-Abfrage von Klimadaten ausgewählter Messstationen [online query of climate data of selected measurement stations], Offenbach.
(accessed on September 24, 2020)

Deutscher Wetterdienst [German Meteorological Service] DWD 2010:
Berlin im Klimawandel - Eine Untersuchung zum Bioklima, Abschlussbericht zur Kooperation zwischen dem Deutschen Wetterdienst und der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Abt. III, Referat Informationssystem Stadt und Umwelt [Berlin in climate change - An investigation of the bioclimate, final report on the co-operation between the German Meteorological Service and the Senate Department for Urban Development, Section III, Unit Urban and Environmental Information System], Potsdam, Freiburg.
Download project report (pdf, 3.8 MB)
(accessed on March 22, 2023)

GEO-NET GmbH 2014:
Project “GIS-gestützte Modellierung von stadtklimatisch relevanten Kenngrößen auf der Basis hochaufgelöster Gebäude- und Vegetationsdaten” ["GIS-based modelling of parameters relevant to urban climate on the basis of high-resolution data on buildings and vegetation"] 2013-2015, on behalf of the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, intermediate report 12/2013, unpublished, funded through ERDF, Berlin.


IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 2014:
Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), Climate Change 2014, downloadable via: www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/syr/, Geneva.
(accessed on March 15, 2015)

Knerr, I. 2014:
Statistische Auswertungen zu Klimaparametern langjährig betriebener Messstationen in Berlin und Potsdam, Ergebnisse im Rahmen eines Studienpraktikums bei der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, III D Geodateninfrastruktur [Statistical evaluations for climate parameters of measurement stations operated over the long term in Berlin and Potsdam, results in the framework of a student internship with the Senate Department for Urban Development, III D Geodata Infrastructure], Berlin.

Kreienkamp, F., Enke, W., 2006:
WETTREG 20C control run 1961-2000 and WETTREG A1B scenario run 2001-2100, UBA Project. CERA database:
(accessed on February, 19, 2018)

Myrcik, G. 2015:
Information on the Berlin-Dahlem climate station via mail from February 3, 2015, Berlin.

Pelz, J. 2007:
Prüfung der Jahresmitteltemperaturen in Berlin für die Jahre 1780 bis 1835 [Examination of the annual mean temperatures in Berlin for the years 1780 to 1835]. Beiträge des Institutes für Meteorologie an der FU Berlin [Contributions of the Institute of Meteorology at the FU Berlin] 33/00, ISSN 0938-5312, Berlin.

PIK (Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung) [Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research] 2015:
Web page on the long-term meteorological station Potsdam Telegrafenberg, Potsdam
(accessed on March 9, 2016)

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment) (ed.) 2013:
Berliner Luftgüte-Messnetz BLUME, Messstation 032 [Berlin Air Quality Monitoring Network BLUME, measurement station 032], Forst Grunewald, Jagen 91, Berlin.
(accessed on March 15, 2015)

Digital Maps

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2014:
Digital orthophotos for the entire city area of Berlin with a ground resolution of 0.20 m in sheet lines 2 km x 2 km. Berlin.
(accessed on March 15, 2015)

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin) (ed.) 2009a:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Edition 2009, Map 04.10 Climate Model Berlin - Analysis Maps, 1:50 000, Berlin.

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin) (ed.) 2009b:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Edition 2009, Map 04.11 Climate Model Berlin - Evaluation Maps, 1:50,000, Berlin.

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin) (ed.) 2010:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Edition 2010, Map 04.12 Future Climatic Change and Thermal Load, 1:50000, Berlin.