Bundes-Immissionschutzgesetz (BImSchG) (Federal Immission Control Act):
amended by the publication of 26th September 2002 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 3830) – (Federal Law Gazette III 2129-8) – last amended by the Law of 25th June 2005, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1865.
Thirty-Fourth Decree on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act:
(Noise Mapping Decree – 34th BImSchV) of 6th March 2006, Federal Law Gazette 2006 Part I No. 12, issued at Bonn on 15th March 2006.
Directive 96/61/EC of the Council:
of 24th September 1996 on the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC Directive).
Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council:
of 25th June 2002, relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, Official Journal of the European Community L 189/12 of 17th July 2002.
Schall 03:
Richtlinie zur Berechnung der Schallimmissionen von Schienenwegen (National Calculation Provision for Rail Traffic Noise). Version of 1990, published in the Official Journal of the Deutsche Bundesbahn No. 14 of 4th April 1990.
Datenerfassungssystem DES (Data Acquisition System) 06/2005:
actual version of 2004; submitted by Berlin Airports, Mr. Rolf-Rainer Schenk, Commissioner for Traffic Issues / Authorized Signatory.
Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS (German Air-Traffic Control):
E-mail of 2006-11-28 from Mr. Robert Ertler (Robert.Ertler@dfs.de), Dept. CC/FLL 25.
Flight movements at Tegel Airport in 2005:
Distribution of flight movements of individual aircraft types on takeoff and landing runways. Submitted by Berlin Airports, Mr. Rolf-Rainer Schenk, Commissioner for Traffic Issues / Authorized Signatory.
LAI, Bund/Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft für Immissionsschutz (Working Commission for Immission Protection of the Federation and the Länder):
Instructions on noise mapping as amended by the resolution of the 112th LAI meeting from 7th to 8th September 2006.
Statistisches Landesamt Berlin (Ed.) 2005:
“Wohngebäude und Wohnungen in Berlin am 31. Dezember 2004” (residential buildings and dwellings in Berlin in 2005 ) (F II 4 j 2004) (order no. 270.6), “Berliner Statistik-Veröffentlichungen” of September 2005 (30.10.05).
Wölfel Meßsysteme:
Software GmbH + Co. KG, IMMI 6.1 Noise Mapping Software.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Straßen (VBUS) (preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at roads):
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154 of 17th August 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Schienenwegen (VBUSch) (preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at railways):
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154 of 17th August 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode zur Ermittlung der Belastetenzahlen durch Umgebungslärm – VBEB (preliminary calculation method for determining the exposure figures caused by environmental noise):
of 9th Februars 2007 (“Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode zur Ermittlung der Belastetenzahlen durch Umgebungslärm – VBEB” published in Federal German Gazette of 20th April 2007; p. 4,137).
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm durch Industrie und Gewerbe (VBUI) (preliminary calculation method for environmental noise caused by industrial and commercial plants):
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154 of 17th August 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Flugplätzen (VBUF-DES) (preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at airports – data acquisition system):
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154 of 17th August 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Flugplätzen (VBUF-AzB) (preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at airports – calculation instructions):
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154 of 17th August 2006.