Morphology of Water Bodies – Overall Assessment (WRRL) 2011

Action planning


Information on the morphological state of the watercourses plays a fundamental role when planning measures aimed at improving their ecological status. Concrete measures are implemented through so-called water body development concepts (Gewässerentwicklungskonzeptionen). Of special interest in this context is the pilot project "Panke 2015" (SenGesUmV, 2009b; SenStadtUm, 2012) acting as a test bed for the development of measures to arrive at watercourses of good morphological status, including the colonisation of relevant invertebrate and fish species, in a highly urbanised environment.

Lake shores

Information on the morphological state of lake shores is required to assess the conditions for the colonisation of invertebrates (Aeshna method) as well as to develop concepts to arrive at or secure the good ecological state of lake shores. These concepts will need to address both the requirements of the EU-WFD and nature conservation (e.g. EU Flora-Fauna-Habitat and Birds Directives).

Analysing the deficits of biotic or abiotic parameters along the lake shores or the adjacent shallow waters will enable the derivation of lake shore development concepts (Uferentwicklungskonzeptionen) to improve the morphological status.

These measures will also have to consider the various usage patterns encountered in urbanised environments (Lake Müggelsee is a prominent example) so as to arrive at sustainable solutions.