Traffic-related Emissions and Immissions 2016
Traffic-related Air Pollution as Word document
Traffic-related Air Pollution as PDF document
03.11.3 Clean Air Plan 2018-2025
Table 1: Development of driving volume for 2020 and 2025 vs 2015, and shares of different types of vehicles (LCV = light commercial vehicles, HGV = heavy goods vehicles)
Table 2: Assumptions for the 2020 “Vehicle technology” scenario
Table 3: Comparison of the annual emissions of the total motor vehicle traffic [t/a] and emissions by vehicle type for the 2020 trend prognosis and the technology
Table 4: Motor vehicle driving volume for the scenarios promoting ecomobility compared with the 2020 trend prognosis
Table 5: Emissions for the scenarios promoting ecomobility compared with the 2020 trend prognosis
Table 6: All road sections for which the effect of driving bans has been established (including NO2 levels for 2020 according to the trend scenario without further measures)
Table 7: Emission reductions resulting from driving bans (scenarios 1 to 4) on routes with NO2 annual means of above 40 µg/m³, according to the 2020 trend prognosis
Table 8: NO2 annual means [µg/m³] for the 2020 trend prognosis (routes with annual mean NO2 levels above 40 µg/m³) and driving ban scenarios 1-4
Table 9: NO2 annual means [µg/m³] on road sections which show NO2 values above 40 µg/m³ for the first time, due to diverted traffic in scenarios 1-4