Former Sewage Farms 2010
Former Sewage Farms as Word document
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Former Sewage Farms as PDF document
PDF-Document (544.3 kB)
01.10 Former Sewage Farms 2010
PDF-Document (5.3 MB)
Fig. 1: Schematic Illustration of Types of Sewage Farms
GIF-Document (16.3 kB)
Fig. 2: Schematic Illustration of Sewage Farm Divisions
GIF-Document (37.8 kB)
Fig. 3: Land cover of the former sewage farm districts in 2018
PNG-Document (781.8 kB)
Tab. 1: Sewage farms according to period of operation, volume and origin of the discharged waste water, area and land cover
XLSX-Document (37.5 kB)