Green Roofs 2020


Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin [Berlin House of Representatives] (2022):
Schriftliche Anfrage des Abgeordneten Stefan Evers (CDU) vom 23.Juni 2022 zum Thema “Grüne Dächer in Berlin” [Written question by Stefan Evers (CDU) of 23 June 2022 on the subject of “Green roofs in Berlin”]. Drucksache 19/12330 [Printed matter 19/12330]
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 25 October 2022)

Ahrendt, J. (2007):
Historische Gründächer: Ihr Entwicklungsgang bis zur Erfindung des Eisenbetons [Historical green roofs: Their development until the invention of reinforced concrete], Part I. Doctoral thesis at Faculty VI of the TU Berlin.
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

Betz, C.: (2010):
Methodenentwicklung für den Aufbau eines Gründachkatasters von Berlin am Beispiel des Bezirkes Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg [Developing methods for the creation of a green roof register of Berlin using the example of the borough of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg], Master’s Thesis at the Department of Landscape Sciences, Geomatics, Geodesy, and Civil Engineering of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences.
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

BMUB (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit [Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety]) (ed.) 2015:
Grünbuch Stadtgrün [Green Paper Green Spaces in the City].
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

BWB (Berlin Waterworks) (2021):
Satzung über die Erhebung von Gebühren und Kostenersatz für die zentrale öffentliche Abwasserbeseitigung (Abwassergebührensatzung – AGKS) [Statute on the levying of fees and reimbursement of costs for centralised public wastewater disposal (Wastewater Fee Statute, AGKS)]
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 25 October 2022)

Coenradie, B.; Haag, L., Damm, A.; Kleinschmit, B.; Hostert, P. (2007):
Hauptstudie “Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines hybriden Verfahrensansatzes zur Versiegelungskartierung in Berlin” [Main study „Designing and implementing a hybrid approach to mapping impervious coverage in Berlin”]. Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development (ed.).
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 9 December 2022)

Coenradie, B.; Haag, L. (2016a):
Erhebung und Aufbereitung von Informationen zum Gründachbestand in Berlin [Collecting and processing information on Berlin’s green roof inventory ]. Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (ed.).
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 9 December 2022)

Coenradie, B.; Haag, L. (2016b):
Versiegelungskartierung Berlin – Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung des hybriden Auswertungsverfahrens für das Jahr 2016 sowie Kartierung von Veränderungen [Mapping of impervious coverage in Berlin – Applying and refining the hybrid evaluation approach for the year 2016 including the mapping of changes]. Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (ed.).
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

Coenradie, B.; Pauligk, A.; Fienitz, M. (2021):
Versiegelungskartierung Berlin – Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung des hybriden Auswertungsverfahrens für das Jahr 2021 sowie Kartierung von Veränderungen. [Mapping of impervious coverage in Berlin – Applying and refining the hybrid evaluation approach for the year 2021 including the mapping of changes]. Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development Building and Housing (ed.).
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 19 December 2022)

DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt [German Federal Environmental Foundation]) (2011):
Leitfaden Dachbegrünung für Kommunen -Nutzen, Fördermöglichkeiten, Praxisbeispiele- [Green roof guide for municipalities – benefits, funding options, examples from practice]. Final report, October 2011.
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 15 May 2023)

DDV (Deutscher Dachgärtner Verband e. V. [German Association of Roof Gardeners]) (2016):
Kommunale Gründach-Strategien Inventarisierung, Potenzialanalyse, Praxisbeispiele [Municipal green roof strategies; inventory, analysis of potential, examples from practice].
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

Kattenborn, T., Leitloff, J., Schiefer, F., & Hinz, S. (2021):
Review on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in vegetation remote sensing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 173, pp. 24-49.
(Accessed on 19 December 2022)

Pauligk, A; Stöckigt, B. (2022):
Erhebung und Aufbereitung von Informationen zum Gründachbestand in Berlin. [Collection and processing of information on Berlin’s green roof inventory] Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (ed.).
(Accessed on 19 December 2022)

Reichmann, B. (2009):
Stadtökologische Modellvorhaben und Gebäudebegrünung [Model projects in urban ecology and greening of buildings]. In: Tagungsband – Internationaler Gründach-Kongress 2009 “Dachbegrünung in der modernen Städtearchitektur” (Proceedings – International Green Roof Congress 2009 “Green roofs – bringing nature back to town”), pp. 135-144.

Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P., Brox, T., (2015):
U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In: International Conference on Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention, pp. 234–241. 10.1007/978-3-319-24574-4_28 (cit. on pp. 5, 26, 38).
(Accessed on 9 December 2022)

SenJust (Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection) (2016):
Verordnung über die Erlaubnisfreiheit für das schadlose Versickern von Niederschlagswasser (NWFreiV) (Niederschlagswasserfreistellungsverordnung [Ordinance on the exemption from permits for the safe percolation of precipitation water – Precipitation water exemption ordinance, – NWFreiV] from August 24, 2001.last amended by Articles 1 to 4 of the law from April 28, 2016 (Federal Law Gazette l. p. 248).
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development) (2010):
Konzepte der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung . Gebäudebegrünung, Gebäudekühlung [Rainwater management concepts, Greening buildings, cooling buildings]. Leitfaden für Planung, Bau, Betrieb und Wartung [Planning, construction, operation and maintenance guidelines].
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment) (2016):
Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels in Berlin – AFOK [Adaptation to the impacts of climate change in Berlin].
Internet: [German] [English summary]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment) (2016a):
StEP Klima KONKRET – Klimaanpassung in der wachsenden Stadt [Urban development plan Climate ‘CONCRETE’ – climate adaptation in the growing city]
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (2017a):
Ökologisches Bauen – Modellvorhaben, Projekte [Ecological building – model concepts, projects]. KURAS “Konzepte für urbane Regenwasserbewirtschaftung und Abwassersysteme” [“Concepts for urban rainwater management and wastewater systems”].
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (2017b):
Nachhaltiges Bauen. Ökologisches Bauen / Ökologische Gebäudekonzepte [Sustainable building; Ecological building / Ecological building concepts].
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (2017c):
Ökologisches Bauen – Ökologische Gesamtkonzepte / Ökologische Bausteine [Ecological building – Ecological master plans / Ecological building blocks]. Baustein Grün [“Green” building block].
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 28 November 2022)

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (2019):
Ökologische Kriterien für Bauwettbewerbe [Ecological criteria for construction competitions].
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 9 December 2022)

SenUVK (Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection) (2019):
Förderrichtlinie zum Programm „1.000 grüne Dächer“ [Funding guidelines for the “1,000 Green Roofs” programme].
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 25 October 2022)

SenUVK (Senate Department for the Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action) (2021):
Der Biotopflächenfaktor – Ihr ökologisches Planungsinstrument [The biotope area factor – your ecological planning tool].
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 25 October 2022)


SenSBW (Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2022:
ALKIS Berlin (Amtliches Liegenschaftskatasterinformationssystem), Stand 05.2022.

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2020a:
Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2020 (TrueDOP2020RGB) – Sommerbefliegung [Digital colour true orthophotos, 2020 (TrueDOP2020RGB) – aerial photography flight in summer].
Internet: [only in German]

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2020b:
Geoportal Berlin / DOM – Digitales Oberflächenmodell 2020 [Berlin Geoportal / DSM – Digital Surface model, 2020].
Internet: [only in German]

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2020b:
Geoportal Berlin / Informationssystem Stadt und Umwelt (ISU5) – Raumbezug [Berlin Geoportal, Urban and Environmental Information System (ISU5) – Spatial Reference].
Internet: [only in German]

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2020c:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 06.10.02 Vegetation Heights, as of 2020, Berlin.

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2020d:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Maps 06.07 Urban Structure / 06.08 Urban Structure – Area Types Differentiated, 1 : 50.000, Berlin.

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2021a:
Geoportal Berlin / DGM – Digitales Geländemodell 2021 [Berlin Geoportal / DTM – Digital Terrain Model, 2021].
Internet: [only in German]

SenSW (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2021b:
Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2021 (TrueDOP2020RGB) – Bildflug vom 22.02.2021 [Digital colour true orthophotos, 2020 (TrueDOP2020RGB) – aerial photography flight of 22 February 2021].
Internet: [only in German]