Soil Associations 2015


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(Download pdf; 266 KB; only in German)

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Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung [Soil-scientific mapping guidelines], 3rd edition, 331 pp, Hanover.

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Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung [Soil-scientific mapping guidelines], 4th edition, 392 pp, Hanover.

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Claußen, U., Metzlaff, G. 1995:
Bodengesellschaften – Konzeptkarte [Soil associations – concept map]. Documentation, Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Division III, Berlin, 73 pp.
(Download pdf; 806 KB)

Edelmann, S. 2014:
Einarbeitung großmaßstäbiger Bodenkartierungen in die Bodengesellschaftskarte [Integrating large-scale soil mappings into the soil associations map]; unpublished.

Fahrenhorst, C., Haubrok, A., Sydow, M. 1990:
Übernahme der Bodengesellschaftskarte Berlin in das Umweltinformationssystem Berlin und Zuordnung von Bodeninformationen [Adopting the soil associations map of Berlin into the environmental information system of Berlin and assigning soil information], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Division III, Berlin, 40 pp, unpublished.

Forsteinrichtungsamt Potsdam [Forestry Office Potsdam] (ed.) 1991:
Vorläufige Legende zur vorläufigen Standortskarte der Wälder Ostberlins [Preliminary legend for the preliminary map of East Berlin forests], unpublished copy, 11 pp.

Gerstenberg, J.H. 2013:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin 2013.
(Download pdf, 1,3 MB, only in German)

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2014:
Übernahme von Daten des UEP – Projektes „Berliner Moorböden im Klimawandel“ und Fortschreibung der Bodengesellschaftskarte und der Bodendatenbank [Adopting data from the UEP project “Berlin’s peatlands and climate change” and update of the soil associations map and the soil database], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Work Report, Berlin 2014, unpublished.

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2015:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Berlin 2015.
(Download pdf, 2,9 MB, only in German)

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2017a:
Aktualisierung der Bodengesellschaftskarte und der Datenbank Boden [Update of the soil associations map and the soil database], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Work Report, Berlin 2017, unpublished.

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2017b:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Berlin 2017.
(Download pdf, 2,1 MB, only in German)

Gerstenberg, J.H., Smettan, U. 2001, 2005, 2009:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin 2001, 2005, 2009.
(Download pdf; 1,9 MB, only in German)

Godbersen, L. 2007:
Variationsbreite und ökologischer Zustand der Böden des Berliner Flughafens Tempelhof [Range of diversity and ecological condition of the soils at Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport]. Thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin, unpublished.

Grenzius, R. 1987:
Die Böden Berlins (West) [West Berlin soils], Dissertation, Technical University of Berlin, 522 pp.

Hueck, K. 1942:
Die Pflanzenwelt der Krummen Laake bei Rahnsdorf [Flora of the Krumme Laake near Rahnsdorf], in: Arbeiten aus der Berliner Provinzstelle für Naturschutz, issue 3.

Kissner, S. 2010:
Naturnähe und Empfindlichkeit der Böden städtischer Wälder am Beispiel der Berliner Königsheide [How sensitive and near-natural are urban forest soils, using Berlin’s Königsheide as an example], Thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin, unpublished.

Klingenfuß, C., Möller, D., Heller, C., Thrum, T., Köberich, K., Zeitz, J. 2015:
Berlin’s peatlands and climate change – Development of an adaptation strategy for the preservation of their ecosystem services. UEPII Research Project, Final Report. (2015), Humboldt University of Berlin.
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on: 6 December 2018)

Lieberoth, I. 1982:
Bodenkunde [Soil science], 3rd edition, 432 pp, VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin.

Makki, M.; Bíró, P. 2008:
Einarbeitung der am Geographischen Institut der HU zu Berlin durchgeführten bodenkundlichen Kartierungen auf Planungsebene in die Konzeptbodenkarte des Digitalen Umweltatlas Berlin [Integrating soil-scientific mappings at planning level by the Geography Department of Humboldt University of Berlin into the concept soil map of the digital Environmental Atlas of Berlin], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin.

Makki, M., Frielinghaus, M., Hardt, J., Thelemann, M. (ed.) (2010):
Boden des Jahres 2010 – Stadtböden [Soils of the year 2010 – urban soils]. Berlin und seine Böden [Berlin and its soils].
Berliner Geographische Arbeiten 117

Makki, M., Edelmann, S., Kinlechner, V. 2014a:
Bodenkundliche Kartierungen und Untersuchungen im Untersuchungsgebiet „Berlin – Lichterfelde Süd“ [Soil-scientific mappings and investigations in the survey area “Berlin – Lichterfelde Süd”], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Unit VIII C – Soil Protection

Makki, M., Edelmann, S., Kinlechner, V. 2014b:
Bodenkundliche Kartierungen und Untersuchungen im Untersuchungsgebiet Berlin – Bohnsdorf [Soil-scientific mappings and investigations in the survey area “Berlin-Bohnsdorf”, commisioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Unit VIII C – Soil Protection

Neumann, F. 1976:
Struktur, Genese und Ökologie hydromorpher Bodengesellschaften West-Berlins [Structure, formation and ecology of hydromorphic soil associations of West Berlin].

SenStadtUm (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection) as of: December. 1993 East Berlin and September 1994 West Berlin:
Kataster der Altlasten und Altlastenverdachtsflächen [Cadastre of old contaminated and suspected contaminated sites], Division III.

SenStadt (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development) (ed.):
Informationssystem Stadt und Umwelt (ISU), Daten zu Flächennutzungen und Versiegelung [Urban and Environmental Information System (ISU), data on land use and impervious soil coverage].

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Bodenschutz aus ökologischer Sicht [Soil protection from an ecological viewpoint], in: Umwelt und Naturschutz für Berliner Gewässer, issue 2, Documentation on the symposium “Soil protection programme Berlin“ pp. 30-46.

Stasch, D., Stahr, K., Sydow, M. 1991:
Welche Böden müssen für den Naturschutz erhalten werden? [Which soils ought to be preserved as part of environmental protection?], in: Berliner Naturschutzblätter, 35(2), p. 53-64.

Laws and Ordinances

Berliner Gesetz zur Ausführung des Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetzes (Berliner-Bodenschutzgesetz – BlnBodSchG) [Berlin Law to implement the Federal Soil Protection Act (Berlin Soil Protection Act), of June 24, 2004; Law and Ordinance Gazette, 60(26), p. 250 ff.

Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Bodenveränderungen und zur Sanierung von Altlasten (Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetz – BBodSchG) [Act on protection against harmful alterations of the soil and on rehabilitation of contaminated sites, BBodSchG] of March 17, 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 502).


SenStadtUm (the Senator for Urban Development and Environmental Protection) (ed.) 1985:
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SenStadtUmTech (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Environment Protection and Technology) (ed.) 1998:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Map 01.01 Soil Associations, 1 : 50,000, Berlin.

SenStadt (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development) (ed.) 2005:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Map 01.01 Soil Associations, 1 : 50,000, Berlin.

SenStadt (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development) (ed.) 2009:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Map 01.01 Soil Associations, 1 : 50,000, Berlin.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment) (ed.) 2013:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 01.01 Soil Associations, 1 : 50,000, Berlin.

SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing (ed.) 2018:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 01.01 Soil Associations, 1 : 50,000, Berlin.