Strategic Noise Maps 2007
Strategic Noise Maps as Word document
Strategic Noise Maps as PDF document
07.05.1 Strategic Noise Map LDEN (noise index day-evening-night) Road Traffic
07.05.2 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Road Traffic
07.05.3 Strategic Noise Map LDEN (noise index day-evening-night) Streetcar and Subway Traffic
07.05.4 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Streetcar and Subway Traffic
07.05.5 Strategic Noise Map LDEN (noise index day-evening-night) Railway Traffic
07.05.6 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Railway Traffic
07.05.7 Strategic Noise Map LDEN (noise index day-evening-night) Air Traffic
07.05.8 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Air Traffic
07.05.9 Strategic Noise Map LDEN (noise index day-evening-night) Industry and Commerce
07.05.10 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Industry and Commerce
07.05.14 GridMap LDEN (noise index day-evening-night)Sum of all Traffic Sources
07.05.15 GridMap LN (noise index night)Sum of all Traffic Sources
Fig. 1: Terrain model based on the optimized DGM25 Berlin (yellow, “non-crowded distribution”), DGM5 Berlin (black-violet, “dense”) and DGM25 Brandenburg (green)
Fig. 2: Representation of isophone classes according to the requirements specified in the “Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise”
Fig. 2: Representation of isophone classes according to the requirements specified in the “Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise”
Table 1: Main noise sources for noise mapping in the conurbation area of Berlin
Table 2: Number of buildings and building use, taken as input parameters for the strategic noise maps of Berlin
Tables 3 - 5
Tables 6 - 8
Tables 9 - 11
Tables 12 - 14
Tables 15 - 17