Biotope Types 2013


The construction of housing estates and commercial complexes often goes hand in hand with the impervious coverage of green spaces. Berlin is also growing steadily, which leads to more traffic and an increased use of open spaces for recreation. The result: biotopes change or disappear completely. This in turn threatens or reduces plants and animals inhabiting these areas. 44 percent of the animals and plants in Berlin are endangered according to the Red List (only in German).

The term biotope is derived from the Greek words bíos (= life) and tópos (= space). A biotope is a habitat in which certain plants and animals form a community. Every biotope is characterised by its location and structure. In Berlin, 19 biotope types are protected by law, including bogs and swamps, certain types of meadows and forests, open inland dunes, gravel, sand and marl quarries, and country hedges.

Between 2001 and 2013, the areas were mapped comprehensively. The figures reveal: more than half of Berlin’s total area is built-up. On the following pages you can find out more about the other half. The maps on biotope types and legally protected biotope types illustrate where these areas are located. Three additional partial maps discuss the data sources used and how to assess the value of each biotope. In addition, we present portraits of the legally protected biotope types (only in German).

The contents of this edition are historical and no longer up-to-date.
