Sources of Expert Opinions
Bundes-Immissionschutzgesetz (BImSchG) [Federal Immission Control Act]:
as published on September 26, 2002 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 3830), last amended by Article 2 of that law of June 27, 2012 (Federal Law Gazette III 2129-8).
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 21 August 2017)
Datenerfassungssystem 2017_01_23_QSI_TXL_2015_VBUF:
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH.
LAI, Bund/Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft für Immissionsschutz (Federal-State Working Commission for Immission Protection):
Instructions on noise mapping as amended by the resolution of the 121st LAI meeting of March 2-3, 2011.
Personenbeförderungsgesetz (PBefG) [Passenger Transportation Act]:
as published on August 8, 1990, last amended by Art. 2 Para. 14 of that law of July 20, 2017, I 2808.
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 11 September 2017)
Richtlinie 2002/49/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates [Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council]:
of June 25, 2002, relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, Official Journal of the European Community L 189/12 of July 17, 2002.
(Accessed on 21 August 2017)
Richtlinie 2010/75/EU des Europäischen Parlamentes und des Rates [Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council]:
of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) Text with EEA relevance.
(Assessed on 07 November 2018)
Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen [German Advisory Council on the Environment]:
Umweltgutachten 2004 [Environmental Report 2004], pp. 471 – 506
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 21 August 2017)
Schall 03:
Richtlinie zur Berechnung der Schallimmissionen von Schienenwegen [National Calculation Provision for Rail Traffic Noise]. 1990 Version, published in the Official Journal of the Deutsche Bundesbahn No. 14, April 4, 1990, last amended on December 12, 2014.
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on 13 September 2017)
SenStadtWohn [Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing] (n.d.):
Property Cadastre, Official Property Cadastre Information System (ALKIS).
Internet: [only in German]
(Accessed on March 24, 2023)
TÜV Immissionsschutz und Energiesysteme [German Technical Inspection Service Immission Protection and Energy Systems]:
Assessment and evaluation of total noise (total noise study), TÜV Report No.: 933/032902/03, Cologne 2000
Download:ärmstudie._Bearbeitung__TÜV_Immissionsschutz_und_Energiesysteme_GmbH__Köln_im_Auftrag_der_Lan.pdf [only in German]
(Accessed on 04 May 2021)
Vierunddreißigste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetztes [Thirty-Fourth Decree on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act]:
(Noise Mapping Decree – 34th BImSchV) March 6, 2006, Federal Law Gazette 2006 Part I No. 12, Bonn, March 15, 2006.
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 21 August 2017)
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Straßen (VBUS) [Preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at roads]:
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154, August 17, 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Schienenwegen (VBUSch) [Preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at railways]:
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154, August 17, 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode zur Ermittlung der Belastetenzahlen durch Umgebungslärm – VBEB [Preliminary calculation method for determining the exposure figures caused by environmental noise]:
February 9, 2007 (“Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode zur Ermittlung der Belastetenzahlen durch Umgebungslärm – VBEB” published in Federal German Gazette, April 20, 2007; p. 4,137).
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm durch Industrie und Gewerbe (VBUI) [Preliminary calculation method for environmental noise caused by industrial and commercial plants]:
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154, August 17, 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Flugplätzen (VBUF-DES) [Preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at airfields]:
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154, August 17, 2006.
Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Flugplätzen (VBUF-AzB) [Preliminary calculation method for environmental noise at airfields]:
published in Federal German Gazette No. 154, August 17, 2006.
Wölfel Monitoring Systems:
IMMI 2016 noise mapping software.
(Accessed on 21 August 2017)
Wölfel Monitoring Systems Software GmbH + Co. KG 2011:
Strategische Lärmkartierung gemäß Richtlinie 2002/49/EG im Land Brandenburg, Verkehrsflughafen Berlin-Schönefeld (2010) [Strategic noise mapping pursuant to Directive 2002/49/EC in the state of Brandenburg, Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (2010)].
Wölfel Monitoring Systems Software GmbH + Co. KG 2012:
Strategische Lärmkartierung gemäß Richtlinie 2002/49/EG im Land Brandenburg, Verkehrsflughafen Berlin-Schönefeld (vorhersehbare Lärmsituation 2015 – Flughafen BER) [Strategic noise mapping pursuant to Directive 2002/49/EC in the state of Brandenburg, Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (foreseeable noise situation 2015 – BER Airport)].
Wölfel Monitoring Systems GmbH + Co. KG 2017:
Lärmkartierung für den Ballungsraum Berlin [Noise mapping for the conurbation area of Berlin], Report on behalf of the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, I C – Berlin Immission Protection.