Soil Associations 2010



  • Soil Associations as Word document

    DOCX-Document (349.0 kB)

  • Soil Associations as PDF document

    PDF-Document (330.1 kB)

  • Documentation Soil Maps and Soil Data 2010 [only in German]

    PDF-Document (1.3 MB)


  • 01.01 Soil Associations

    PDF-Document (4.3 MB)


  • Fig. 1: Classification of Soil Associations, Schematic Depiction of Procedure

    GIF-Document (8.4 kB)

  • Fig. 2: Luvisol - Arenic Cambisol

    GIF-Document (13.6 kB)

  • Fig. 3: Dystric Cambisol - Colluvial Cambisol

    GIF-Document (5.3 kB)

  • Fig. 4: Spodo-dystric Cambisol - Podzols - Colluvial Dystic Cambisols

    GIF-Document (8.4 kB)

  • Fig. 5: Stagno-gleyed Cambisol - Eutro-gleyic Cambisol

    GIF-Document (12.6 kB)

  • Fig. 6: Eutro-gleyic Cambisol - Gleysol - Eutric Histosol

    GIF-Document (8.6 kB)

  • Fig. 7: Necrosols + Eutro-gleyic Cambic Hortisol + Gleysol

    GIF-Document (7.2 kB)

  • Fig. 8: Lithosol + Calcic Regosol + Calcaric Regosol

    GIF-Document (16.1 kB)

  • Fig. 9: Loose Lithosol + Humic Regosol + Calcaric Regosol

    GIF-Document (16.0 kB)

  • Fig. 10: Loose Lithosol + Regosol + Calcaric Regosol

    GIF-Document (10.9 kB)


  • Tab. 1: Overview of Soil-forming Factors and Soil Development Processes

    XLSX-Document (20.2 kB)
    Document: according to Lieberoth 1982

  • Tab. 2: Soil Classification

    XLSX-Document (19.9 kB)
    Document: according to Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung 1982

  • Tab. 3: Basis of the Concept Map of Soil Associations of Berlin

    XLSX-Document (12.3 kB)

  • Tab. 4: Landscape Segments, Land Uses and Effects on Soils

    XLSX-Document (21.2 kB)
    Document: according to Blume et al. 1978 und Grenzius 1987

  • Tab. 5: Classification Guidelines for Soil Associations, in Dependence on Use Category and Degree of Sealing

    XLSX-Document (20.6 kB)

  • Tab. 6: Classification of Soil Associations of Natural Lithogenesis

    XLSX-Document (23.7 kB)
    Document: Umweltatlas Berlin

  • Tab. 7: List of Soil Type Abbreviations Used in Figures 2 - 10

    XLSX-Document (20.0 kB)