Potential for the Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage (Soil De-Sealing) 2023
Potential for the Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage (Soil De-Sealing) 2023 as Word document
DOCX-Document (963.6 kB)
Potential for the Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage (Soil De-Sealing) 2023 as PDF document
PDF-Document (908.5 kB)
01.16 Potential for the Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage
PDF-Document (3.5 MB)
Fig. 1: Number of potential cases suitable for removal measures and cases where the impervious cover has been removed partially or in full
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Fig. 2: Size of potential areas suitable for removal measures and areas with impervious cover removed [in ha]
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Fig. 1 and 2: Number and size of potential cases
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Fig. 3: Sample of a profile (only available in German)
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Tab. 1: Data on cases of impervious coverage removal – primary data
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Tab. 2: Data on cases of impervious coverage removal – using secondary data
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Tab. 3: Data on cases of impervious coverage removal – prioritisation of potential areas for the removal of impervious coverage
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Tab. 4: Data on cases of impervious coverage removal – implementing removal measures
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