Engineer's Geological Map 2015
Engineer's Geological Map as Word document
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Engineer's Geological Map as PDF document
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01.15 Engineer's Geological Map
PDF-Document (8.0 MB)
Detailed PDF maps 1:5,000 as zip (478 MB)
Fig. 1: Hydrogeologic Terms
JPG-Document (77.9 kB)
Fig. 2: Hydrogeologic Situation in the Panke Valley
JPG-Document (65.9 kB)
Tab. 1: Physical Soil Values of Peat (qh//Hn)
GIF-Document (6.5 kB)
Tab. 2: Physical soil values of peat clay (qh//F)
GIF-Document (6.2 kB)
Tab. 3: Physical soil values of dune sand (qw-qh//d)
GIF-Document (8.0 kB)
Tab. 4: Physical soil values of sand of glacial valleys (qw/S/ut)
GIF-Document (16.1 kB)
Tab. 5: Physical soil values of the meltwater sand of the plateaus (qw/S/gf)
GIF-Document (11.8 kB)
Tab. 6: Physical soil values of the till/-loam of the Weichselian Glaciation (qw//Mg)
GIF-Document (12.0 kB)
Tab. 7: Physical soil values of the till of the Saalian Glaciation (qs//Mg)
GIF-Document (12.9 kB)
Tab. 8: Physical soil values of the rupelium of the Tertiary
GIF-Document (10.6 kB)
Tab. 9: Remarks
GIF-Document (41.5 kB)