Urban Structural Density 2011
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06.09.1 Floor Space Index (FSI)
06.09.2 Land to Building Ratio (LBR)
Fig. 1: Comparison of land to building ratio (LBR) depending on orientation towards § 19, Sec. 2 of BauNVO or § 19 Sec. 4 of BauNVO
Fig. 1: Comparison of land to building ratio (LBR) depending on orientation towards § 19, Sec. 2 of BauNVO or § 19 Sec. 4 of BauNVO
Fig. 2: Resident density, FSI and LBR of select uses in comparison
Fig. 2: Resident density, FSI and LBR of select uses in comparison
Fig. 3: Resident density, FSI and LBR of the different urban structure types in comparison
Fig. 3: Resident density, FSI and LBR of the different urban structure types in comparison
Fig. 4: Resident density in proportion to the average storey number per block (only blocks with residential use)
Fig. 4: Resident density in proportion to the average storey number per block (only blocks with residential use)
Tab. 1: Building types categorized as ancillary structures