Environmental Justice Berlin 2021/2022


Factors such as where we live, our social status and environmental burdens do not only affect our health immensely but also our life expectancy. In 2021/2022, the State of Berlin updated its environmental justice concept by renewing all of its thematic maps. These five indicators are at the heart of the project:

  1. Noise burden: what are the noise levels in Berlin?
  2. Air pollution: which areas are loaded by a particularly high number of air pollutants?
  3. Green space supply: how many green spaces are available to Berlin’s residents?
  4. Bioclimate / thermal burden: how do air temperature, heatwaves and other factors influence our health?
  5. Social disadvantage / status index: how high is the concentration of social problems in Berlin?

The data we collected reveals: the area within the City Rail Circle Line has the highest concentration of planning areas (spatial units used in the evaluation) with multiple burdens. Some burdened key areas are, however, also located in the outer boroughs. Would you have guessed that? Spandau, Steglitz-Zehlendorf and Treptow-Köpenick are the boroughs that are least affected, quantitatively, by the environmental burdens assessed. The overall picture reveals a significant observation: inhabitants with a low social status index are particularly often affected by negative environmental burdens in addition. They live along main roads in densely populated neighbourhoods with little access to green spaces and recreational areas.

On the following pages, you can discover how things are going in your neighbourhood. For more in-depth information, do have a look at the maps on environmental justice.

The contents of this edition are up-to-date.
