Environmental Justice Berlin 2013



  • Environmental Justice Berlin as Word document

    DOCX-Document (2.1 MB)

  • Environmental Justice Berlin as PDF document

    PDF-Document (2.1 MB)


  • 9.01.1 Environmental Justice Core Indicator Noise Load

    PDF-Document (5.6 MB)

  • 9.01.2 Environmental Justice Core Indicator Air Pollution

    PDF-Document (5.6 MB)

  • 9.01.3 Environmental Justice Core Indicator Availability of Green Spaces

    PDF-Document (4.7 MB)

  • 9.01.4 Environmental Justice Core Indicator Bio-Climate/ Thermal Load

    PDF-Document (5.6 MB)

  • 9.01.5 Environmental Justice Core Indicator Social Problems/ Status-Index

    PDF-Document (4.7 MB)

  • 9.01.6 Environmental Justice Integrated Environmental Loa

    PDF-Document (4.7 MB)

  • 9.01.7 Environmental Justice Integrated Environmental Load including Social Problems

    PDF-Document (5.6 MB)

  • 9.01.8 Environmental Justice Integrated Environmental Load - thematic

    PDF-Document (4.8 MB)

  • 9.01.9 Environmental Justice Integrated Environmental Load - Berlin Environmental Justice Map -

    PDF-Document (5.8 MB)



  • Tab. 1: The most important noise impacts

    GIF-Document (13.2 kB)
    Document: BAFU 2009

  • Tab. 2: PMV and PET index in comparison

    GIF-Document (12.7 kB)
    Document: VDI 1998; Matzarakis, A., Mayer, H. 1996; Katzschner et. al. 2007

  • Tab. 3: Three-level evaluation classification of the thermal index PET

    GIF-Document (10.9 kB)
    Document: Katzschner, L., Burghardt, R. 2015

  • Tab. 4: Environment-related characteristics of different building structures

    GIF-Document (16.3 kB)
    Document: Planergemeinschaft Kohlbrenner eG 2015

  • Tab. 5: Proportion of the brightness value in the overall brightness of the city for different types of land use

    GIF-Document (8.5 kB)
    Document: Gabriel, K. et al. 2015, modified according to Kuechly, H. et al. 2012

  • Core indicator

    GIF-Document (6.5 kB)
    Document: Umweltatlas Berlin