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(Accessed on 24 May 2022)
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Download: [only in German] (Accessed on 7 April 2022).
Brandenburg State Capital Potsdam 2018:
Umweltmonitoring Potsdam. Erhebung und Auswertung von Umweltindikatoren. Umwelt analysieren und verstehen. [Environmental Monitoring Potsdam. Collection and evaluation of environmental indicators. Analysing and understanding the environment.]
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Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 27 June 2017)
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Download: [only in German] (Accessed on 2 May 2022)
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(Accessed on 2 May 2017)
SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Berlin) 2021:
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(Accessed on 17 June 2022)
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(Accessed on 17 June 2022)
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(Accessed on 17 June 2022)
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Potenziale von Grünvolumen und Entsiegelung zur Klimaanpassung am Beispiel der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam [Green volume potential and potential for the removal of impervious soil coverage for climate adaptation, using the example of the Brandenburg State Capital of Potsdam]. In: AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 1-2015. Herbert Wichmann Verlag, VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin/Offenbach. ISBN 978-3-87907-557-7, ISSN 2364-9283, doi:10.14627/537557037.
Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 27 June 2017).