Water Conservation Districts and Groundwater Use 1995



  • Water Conservation Districts as Word document

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  • Water Conservation Districts as PDF document

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  • 02.11 Water Conservation Districts and Groundwater Use

    PDF-Document (13.2 MB)


  • Fig. 1: Principles of Groundwater Production

    GIF-Document (5.4 kB)
    Image: AHU 1991

  • Fig. 2: Groundwater Withdrawal Amounts in Berlin According to Use in 1995 (including Stolpe Waterwork) Statements for groundwater recharge at construction sites refer to the calendar year; statements for raw water extraction refer to the water management year Nov. 1994 to Oct. 1995.

    GIF-Document (2.5 kB)

  • Fig. 3: Example for Definition of a Water Protection Area According to the Isochronic Concept The flow velocity of groundwater is indicated by the length of the arrows. The longer the arrow, the higher the flow velocity.

    GIF-Document (10.8 kB)

  • Fig. 4: Groundwater Withdrawal Amounts of the Berlin Public Water Companies 1960 - 1996

    GIF-Document (22.0 kB)

  • Fig. 4: Groundwater Withdrawal Amounts of the Berlin Public Water Companies 1960 - 1996

    XLSX-Document (11.8 kB)

  • Fig. 5: Groundwater Withdrawal Amounts According to Use in West Berlin from 1963 - 1996

    GIF-Document (19.3 kB)

  • Fig. 5: Groundwater Withdrawal Amounts According to Use in West Berlin from 1963 - 1996

    XLSX-Document (11.7 kB)

  • Fig. 6: Origin and Use of Water from Public Drinking Water Supplies in Berlin 1995 in million m3 per year

    GIF-Document (4.1 kB)
    Image: according to AHU 1991


  • Tab. 1: Waterworks of the Berlin Public Water Companies and Statutory Framework for Water Conservation Districts

    XLSX-Document (9.9 kB)

  • Tab. 2: Groundwater Withdrawals 1913, 1990 resp. 1989 and 1995

    XLSX-Document (20.7 kB)