02.01.3 Pesticides and PCB in Sediments and in Eels 1989-1992

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  • 02.01.3 Pesticides and PCB in Sediments and in Eels 1989-1992

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Map Description

The results of 461 sediment samples (1989 – 1991) and 578 eel samples (1989 – 1992) were evaluated. The presence of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and lindane in sediments and eels is illustrated here.

Map Imprint

Gruppe III A 3 (Ökologische Planungsgrundlagen)

Data Processing and Map Production:
III A 3 unter Verwendung des Umweltinformationssystems (UIS) Berlin, Sjut Rohlfs

January 1993