02.08 Fish Fauna

Map Description

Between 1987 and 1992, 33 fish species were recorded in 151 bodies of water in the State of Berlin. In addition to the fish species encountered, it is also assessed whether the number of fish species detected corresponds to the water body type. The fish species are colour-coded to indicate their degree of endangerment.

Map Imprint

Gruppe III A 3 (Ökologische Planungsgrundlagen) in Zusammenarbeit mit III A 2 (Naturschutz) und dem Fischereiamt

Data Processing and Map Production:
III A 3 unter Verwendung des Umweltinformationssystems (UIS) Berlin; Christian Wolter, Andreas Vilcinskas

June 1993


  • 02.08 Fischfauna

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