07.05.2 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Road Traffic

Map Description

According to EU law, officially defined ‘Strategic Noise Maps’ must be calculated for the main noise sources at 5-year intervals using uniform guidelines. The night-noise index is presented here in 10 m² grid squares for the noise pollution caused by road traffic.

Map Imprint

III F 1, Urban and Environmental Information System, Environmental Atlas in cooperation with Division IX D Pollution Control and Climate Protection

Data Processing and Map Production:
Wölfel Beratende Ingenieure GmbH+Co. KG, III F 1 using the Urban and Environmental Information System

July 2012


  • 07.05.2 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Road Traffic


  • 07.05.2 Strategic Noise Map LN (noise index night 22 pm - 6 am) Road Traffic (A3 format)

    PDF-Document (14.7 MB)