05.05.1 Value according to Red Data Book Species

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  • 05.05 Balance Sheet of Breeding Bird Population (only in German)

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

Map Description

Based on information from breeding bird atlases, the number of red-listed species occurring per mapped grid square was determined and presented. Classes 1 (threatened by extinction), 2 (highly endangered), 3 (endangered) and P (potentially endangered) of the Red List of Breeding Birds in Berlin (Witt 1991) were applied to categorise the species encountered.

Map Imprint

Gruppe III A 3 (Ökologische Planungsgrundlagen) in Zusammenarbeit mit M.Flade, Dr. K. Witt, W. Otto und III A 2 (Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege)

Data Processing and Map Production:
Peter Mittring, Heike Fink

Juni 1994