Environmental Atlas

  • Umweltatlas Berlin - Logo


    These pages present a wealth of information on individual environmental topics compiled by our own departments, of the Senate Department for Urban Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment, and other authorities.

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  • Berlin Clean Air Measurement Network 2022

    The updated map "Berlin Clean Air Measurement Network - Sites and Measurement Data" is now available.

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  • Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage

    The map "Potential for the Removal of Impervious Soil Coverage" has been updated.

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  • FAQ

    Frequently Asked Questions

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Our life is literally grounded on soil. Beyond that, soils are a record of our natural and cultural heritage. Visit our topic “Soil” to discover what Berlin’s soils reveal about the development of the city and find out what’s beneath your feet. Soil

Treppe zum Wasser am Badesee


How many species of fish live in the Havel? Which areas are prone to flooding? What pollutants are lurking in the Landwehrkanal? And where does Berlin’s drinking water come from? Quench your thirst for knowledge here and learn more about water and groundwater in Berlin. Water

Zugvögel am Himmel


Vibrant Berlin: bustling neighbourhoods are interspersed with green parks and traffic flows right through the middle. Vibrant life often goes hand in hand with “bad air”. Like other large cities, Berlin has been committed to reducing air pollutants for a long time. Air

Sonnenuntergang über Berlin


The climate in urban areas depends on a variety of aspects, such as air temperature, humidity, location, buildings and green spaces. Dive into Berlin’s climate here and discover key aspects that influence our climate and how their impact on us can be changed for the better. Climate

Park im Herbst mit fallenden Blättern


Green, Green Grass of Home … – take a look at our topic “Biotopes” to discover how Berlin’s green spaces are doing. You can also read up on which factors have a positive or a negative impact on the habitats of plants and animals – and how we can protect the biotopes in Berlin. Biotopes

Blick von oben auf die Straße mit Gebäuden

Land Use

The urban structure of Berlin is as diverse as life in its neighbourhoods. The density of buildings may be high or low; there might be many inhabitants per hectare or just a few. Land Use

Berlin Friedrichstraße Miniatur

Traffic / Noise

Nowadays, you can travel ever more speedily and comfortably to get from A to B, be it on a plane, a train, a bus or in your own car. Travel generates noise and emissions, however, which can damage your health and the environment. Traffic / Noise

Strommast Freileitungsmast in der Abenddämmerung


In Berlin, electricity and heating are largely generated using fossil fuels. Discover here, for example, which parts of the city house the plants with the highest CO2 emissions or which areas are supplied with district heating. Energy



From Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg to Marzahn-Hellersdorf: visit the topic “The Human” to discover the quality of life of Berlin’s boroughs and which aspects impact upon it the most. Human