I am a German expatriate – I was born 1930 in Karlshorst in Berlin – were ‘forced’ into emigration to South Arica – where we stayed – my parents of course passed away and are buried in Johannesburg – and my family moved to Canada – where we have stayed ever since – each month I receive, through your great kindness, the aktuell – which gives me great pleasure – unfortunately I have lost the ability to be able to read German – because of course we were forced into emigration at age 6 – so my ‘home’ language became English from age 7 – when we entered South Africa – one of the few countries left to us immigrants who accepted refugees at that time. So I say thank you for continuing to mail me your great magazine of information ‘aus und über Berlin’. I love to receive this – and again – so many thanks for always continuing to mail it to me.
Hello aktuell@berlin
Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin
- Senatskanzlei -
Redaktion Zeitschrift aktuell
Susanne Zöchling