Disaster management in Berlin-Mitte

Responsibilities of a Disaster Management Authority

The Department for Disaster Management, Occupational Safety and Fire Protection (KAB) in Berlin-Mitte activates and coordinates civil and disaster protection. The central task of a disaster management authority is to protect the population from dangers and damages caused by disasters or major incidents, such as widespread power outages, storm surges, or large fires.

Koordinierter Einsatz zwischen dem Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin und der Berliner Feuerwehr

Coordination of the Disaster Management Network in Berlin

Berlin-Mitte is part of a closely knit disaster management network that is extended on to the city level. This includes the disaster management authorities of the Senate Chancellery and the other Senate Departments, as well as those of the district offices, which work together in close consultation and cooperation to develop and ensure the protection of the population from dangers and emergencies. The Senate Department responsible for Internal Affairs is in control of the overall coordination of measures for disaster prevention (§ 5 Abs. 3 Satz 1 KatSG).
If an emergency situation arises in Berlin-Mitte, the district office will activate its specialized departments for civil and disaster protection.

Disaster Management Lighthouses (Katastrophenschutz-Leuchttürme)

As a disaster management authority for Berlin-Mitte, we have a range of technical equipment at our disposal that can be activated immediately upon an emergency. In addition to emergency vehicles, we are able to set up so-called Katastrophenschutzleuchttürme (KAT-L), which serve as central points of contact for the population in Berlin-Mitte and are found in the district town halls (Rathaus-Tiergarten, Rathaus-Wedding and Rathaus-Mitte).

Fuhrpark der Stabsstelle für Katastrophen-, Arbeits- und Brandschutz im Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin

Use Cases for the Katastrophenschutz-Leuchttürme

To ensure that the KAT-L are always operational, they are supplied with mobile emergency power generators. Even in situations where there is no mains power, such as during a blackout, the emergency power generators allow the KAT-L to operate. Furthermore, they can be quickly deployed and offer versatility. The KAT-L can be operated from a vehicle for maximum mobility, or from public buildings as a central point of contact for the population. The mobility and adaptability of the KAT-L are crucial principles for civil and disaster protection in Berlin. This enables the population to be offered assistance and information in the event of a disaster or major incident, autonomous of the existing infrastructure.

Locations of the KAT-L for Berlin-Mitte

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