Donnerstag, 06.12.2018, 17:00 bis 20:00 Uhr - Bezirksbürgermeister Stephan von Dassel und Willkommensbüro laden Geflüchtete zum Gespräch ein (Englisch)

Are you new to Berlin? What information do you need over Berlin’s district Mitte?

District Mayor Stephan von Dassel and the Welcome Office in Mitte invite you to meet and talk on

Thursday, december 6th 2018, 5 to approx. 8 pm

Tiergarten Town Hall, Mathilde-Jacob-Platz 1, 10551 Berlin, „Balkonsaal“ (balcony hall) on first floor (Directions: U9 Turmstraße)

We would like to hear from you what information you need about life, work and your neighborhood in Mitte and how we can best inform you with news, important addresses and more.
Please sign up with a short e-mail to If you wish, you can bring along a volunteer. If you need a translation, please send us an e-mail. We will organize an interpreter.

We look forward to talking with you!

  • Einladung Gespräch BzBm Willkommensbüro am 06.12.2018 Englisch

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