Das Buch

Note: Information about the book in English can be found further down on this website:

Über das Buch "Spreeperlen. Berlin: Stadt der Frauen."

Das Buch führt durch Oasen und Emotionen, es folgt den Avancen, aber auch den Miseren von Frauen. Hinter Stichwörtern wie Aimée & Jaguar, Berliner Luft, Goldrausch, Kopftuch, Russendisko oder Weiberwirtschaft locken unerwartete Einblicke. Jeder Ort ist mittels sorgfältig ausgewählter Kartenausschnitte sowie Angaben zu Adressen und Verkehrsverbindungen gut aufzufinden. Stoff zum Weiterlesen- und Forschen wird angeboten, und die Einladung auf Abwege zu geraten, durchzieht das ganze Buch. Namens- und Stichwortregister ermöglichen schnelle Orientierung, und für eigene Spreeperlen bleibt auch noch genug Platz.


  • Spreeperlen Einband
  • Spreeperlen Titelseite
  • Spreeperlen-Kapitel: Avancen
  • Spreeperlen: Amazone
  • Spreeperlen: Second Life
  • Spreeperlen: Impressum
  • Spreeperlen: Impressum

Bestellung des Buches/E-Book

Leider gibt es nur noch vereinzelte Exemplare. Diese können bei Frau Sylvia Edler, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte des Bezirksamtes Neukölln, unter folgenden Kontaktdaten gegen ein Entgelt bestellt werden:


Alternativ steht das Buch im digitalen Format auf der folgenden Webseite zur Verfügung
Das Buch Spreeperlen: Berlin - Stadt der Frauen

E-Book Spreeperlen. Berlin - Stadt der Frauen"

Hier können Sie das Buch Spreeperlen. Berlin - Stadt der Frauen als PDF-Dokument downloaden. Weitere Informationen

About the Book “Pearls on the river. Berlin: City of Woman.”

There are many ways to experience the magic of Berlin city. Different paths can lead to fully unexplored places of the city. We looked at the city from a woman’s perspective, searching for traces and picking up even the tiniest clues. Our aim is to invite Berliners and visitors alike to follow our feminist curiosity about the past and present of Berlin’s women. This book offers a panorama of the city. At each location it indicates the presence of women, and especially their efforts to achieve creative spaces, equal rights, and emancipation. The focus is set on mere storytelling, not just listing and recounting events.

That’s why we chose utilizing keywords that open up stories about how Berlin’s women have lived, loved, struggled, worked, and suffered. The impact of women on the city is often hidden, or emerges only at a second glance; retracing it takes knowledge, passion, and a spirit of inquiry. Women´s struggle for political participation and the right to vote, to take control of their bodies and their lives, for education and careers, are at the heart of the stories we have chosen. They cover a surprisingly wide spectrum.

Our subject is a city – its present and its past, in individual and particular settings. We present those locations, which often bring light to things we never expected. Places like this reveal the traces of change, the loss, violence and the many layers and facets that make up the city’s complex fabric.

The photographs reflect women’s witty and sidelong views of this town, and they whet our appetite for more.


  • Pearls on the River Spree: Cover
  • Pearls on the River Spree: Title page
  • Pearls on the River Spree: Foreword
  • Pearls on the River Spree: Advances
  • Pearls on the River Spree: Amazon
  • Pearls on the River Spree: Second Life
  • Pearls on the River Spree: List of Figures
  • Pearls on the River Spree: Credits

Order the book

Unfortunately, only a few copies are still available. These can be ordered for a fee from Ms. Sylvia Edler, Equal Opportunity Officer of the Neukölln District Office, using the following contact information:


Alternatively, the book is available in digital format from
Cover Pearls on the River Spree. Berlin: City of Woman.

E-Book "Pearl on the River Spree"

Here you can download the book Pearls on the River Spree as a PDF document Weitere Informationen