Youth Work

KInder vor Zelt

Youth work is aimed at all young people between the ages of 6 and 27. It includes youth association work, open child work and open youth work as well as community-oriented programmes.

Youth work as an independent area of socialization and education (§ 11 SGB VIII) represents in its diversity a significant field of action of youth promotion. Youth work activities are aimed at all young people between the ages of 6 and 26 and serve to promote democracy and enable them to take responsibility for their own social and political actions. Participation is the central principle of youth work.

The focus of youth work is on political and social education, participation, sports-oriented, media-related, intercultural and gender-reflective youth work, cultural, natural history and technical education as well as international youth work.

Due to the voluntary and open character of the youth work, the offers are based on the interests and the living environment of the young people. They promote social responsibility and encourage social commitment.

Common to all offers is that they pursue the goal of self-determined and equal participation of all young people, regardless of their gender, support needs, religion or ethnicity. This is why the inclusion approach is already part of everyday practice in many projects and measures.

Youth Promotion and Participation Act

On January 1, 2020, the Second Law for the Amendment of the Law for the Implementation of the Child and Youth Welfare Act – Law for the Promotion of Participation and Democracy Building of Young People (Youth Promotion and Participation Act) came into force in the state of Berlin.

The law restructures youth work in Berlin with its diverse offerings – from youth clubs and adventure playgrounds to festivals and youth trips to children’s and youth parliaments – and safeguards it through professional standards for the scope and quality of services. In addition, the law enshrines co-determination rights for children and young people by involving them in the creation of youth development plans and thus in the infrastructural planning of services.

Finally, youth work is strengthened financially: the state of Berlin provides the districts with additional funds for the implementation of the law and the safeguarding of the diversity of youth work offers.

  • Offers: These offers are to be provided in all districts:
    • location-bound open youth work (e.g. youth clubs, adventure playgrounds),
    • location-independent open youth work (e.g. festivals, rock and hip-hop mobiles),
    • recreational trips and journeys, international encounters,
    • support for youth participation (e.g., self-managed projects),
    • Group-based, curricular youth work (e.g. seminars).
  • Promotion plans: At the state and district level, youth promotion plans are drawn up every four years and with the participation of young people. These are steering instruments for district and state-wide planning.
  • Youth Development Plan of Berlin 2022-2023

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 Mehrere Schulranzen stehen in einer Reihe

Youth Work in Schools

Youth work fulfils its own educational mandate in cooperation with schools. With the support of social workers, young people are offered educational opportunities that are based on their interests and needs and open up for them possibilities to create, experience and participate. More information

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Youth Education Centres

Youth education centres are extracurricular learning locations that provide children and young people with a wide range of educational opportunities. Most of the activities are seminars for school classes that are planned and carried out in close coordination with the teachers and students. More information

Familie im Aquarium

Leisure Time Education and Recreation

Youth work also organises the leisure time of children and young people in a variety of ways and invites them to participate. Youth work activities in Berlin are carried out both by independent youth welfare agencies and at the district and state level by public agencies. More information

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Cultural Education

The framework concept for cultural education defines the central areas of activity for cultural education in the State of Berlin. More information

Kinder vor einem Zelt

Youth Associations

The interests, issues and demands that young people articulate in their associations develop from the circumstances and living environment of the young people. Youth associations are important partners in youth policy when it comes to social and political participation and representation. More information

Porträt einer Jugendlichen


The state programme Youth Democracy Fund Berlin has been able to implement a wide range of participation projects: at the state level the U-18 elections, the youth FORUM in the Berlin House of Representatives and models of e-participation. Further information german only. More information

Jugendliche mit verschiedener Herkunft halten Weltkugel

International Youth Exchange

International youth work makes an important contribution here. It contributes to an understanding with other countries and to promoting tolerance and understanding towards other cultures and towards strangers. More information

Frau präsentiert ein Tablet mit bunten Social Media Symbolen

Media Education

Conveying media skills is an important educational task. It aims to encourage children and young people to use the media in a self-determined, creative and responsible manner as a prerequisite for participation and involvement in the digital society. More information