Leisure Time Education and Recreation

Familie steht vor einem Aquarium

Youth work organizes the leisure time of children and young people in a variety of ways and invites them to participate. This includes, for example, activities in children’s and youth leisure facilities as well as trips and vacation camps. Education and recreation in leisure time.

Youth work shapes the leisure time of children and young people through activities in children’s and youth leisure facilities, on playgrounds with educational support, through mobile youth work offers such as playmobiles, with trips and vacation camps for children and youth recreation, on children’s and youth farms, in sports youth clubs, media competence centers and youth culture centers, through participation in a youth association and as part of international youth encounters.

These youth work activities are carried out both by independent youth welfare organizations and, at district and state level, by public organizations

Summer holidays in Berlin

Experience your summer! It kicks off soon – summer holidays in Berlin. That means it’s time to explore the city and experience exciting days during your summer holidays.

In the summer holiday calendar you will find something exciting for every single day of the holidays: from art to computer programming to social media or holiday camps! We have collected many great events in and around Berlin for children and young people. Find the right one for you and start your summer holiday adventure time.

If you have the Super Holiday Pass in your pocket, you can experience action, excitement and bathing fun from the first to the last day of your holidays. So select events now and secure a place with your registration!

Family Pass and Super Holiday Pass

Discover Berlin, experience culture, gain leisure time – all Berlin families with children up to and including 17 years of age can organise their leisure time in exciting and creative ways all year long with the Family Pass from JugendKulturService gGMBH and benefit from family-friendly ticket prices, for example at Berlin’s swimming pools or the Berlin Zoo and Tierpark.

The Super Holiday Pass is valid from the summer holidays to Easter for children and young people up to and including 18 years of age. It offers many price advantages, raffles, tips and ideas from the fields of sports, games, attractions, cinema, theatre, music and creativity. The Super Holiday Pass also includes a bathing card, which gives children and young people free entry to the open swimming pools of the Berliner Bäder-Betriebe on holidays.

The JugendKulturService gGmbH provides information on sales offices and other conditions.

Programmes especially for girls or boys

There are programmes that are specifically addressed to only girls or boys in the organisations for children’s and youth work. The promotion of equal opportunities for both sexes is of central importance in all projects and programmes.

Multimedia programmes

The district media literacy centres offer media educational projects and programmes for children, young people and families within the framework of the state youth network berlin programme.

Cultural programmes

Whether dance, theatre, art, photography, film, new media, music, literature or museums: children and young people can experience the cultural life of our city in a variety of ways.

The JugendKulturService gGmbH publishes the JugendKultur info programme booklet every two months. It provides information about plays, films and concerts for children and young people in Berlin.

Cultural institutions, schools, artists, youth cultural institutions, music schools, clubs and initiatives can present their projects and dates on Kubinaut, the Berlin community platform for cultural education. In addition to workshops and competitions, the calendar also includes dates for exhibitions, performances, discussion groups and concerts.

FEZ Berlin

The Wuhlheide children’s and youth recreation centre with the Berlin State Music Academy, or FEZ for short, is the largest non-profit children’s, youth and family centre in Europe. It offers creative play, fun and recreation.

The programmes on the topics of global learning, art, theatre, media, ecology, technology and educational play as well as international projects are unique. A swimming and sports hall, concert halls, an art laboratory, a cinema and attractive playgrounds are located on the site. The Astrid Lindgren stage, a children’s museum with changing exhibitions and the Orbitall space centre round out the range of offerings.

The attraction during the summer holidays is the FEZITTY project week. It offers children the opportunity to design a city themselves and to develop a lively urban life.

Child and youth recreation

Many children and young people would like to travel with their contemporaries on vacation. The holiday trips are mainly offered by independent children’s and youth welfare organisations and youth associations.

Integration trips for children and young people with disabilities

Children and young people with and without disabilities can travel together on integration trips. Registration takes place directly with the independent provider. The contribution for travel expenses is subsidized by the State of Berlin. Disabled children and adolescents require a confirmation from the responsible youth welfare office in your district that the additional costs due to the disability will be covered.

Host parent stays

The International Berlin Child and Youth Welfare Association arranges for children between the ages of 6 and 10 to stay with a family in the Netherlands or Switzerland. This holiday programme, sponsored by the State of Berlin, is aimed primarily at Berlin families with low incomes.

More holiday activities

The youth welfare office in your district or the website www.jugendnetz-berlin.de can provide you with information about holiday activities in Berlin’s districts for children and young people.

Youth education centres

Youth educational centres offer a wide range of educational programmes that are often related to current social challenges. They are not classic recreation centres. Most seminars are offered for school classes and are planned and carried out in close cooperation with the teachers and students.