Youth Work in Schools

 Mehrere Schulranzen stehen in einer Reihe

Youth work fulfils its own educational mandate in cooperation with schools. With the support of social workers, young people are offered educational opportunities that are based on their interests and needs and open up for them possibilities to create, experience and participate.

Forms of cooperation

There is hardly a youth work organisation in Berlin that does not cooperate with one or more schools. This collaboration has many faces:

Profil eines Kopfes aus Puzzleteilen zusammengesetzt und von Sprechblasen umgeben

Youth Education Centres

Youth education centres are extracurricular learning locations that provide children and young people with a wide range of educational opportunities. Most of the activities are seminars for school classes that are planned and carried out in close coordination with the teachers and students. More information

Familie im Aquarium

Leisure Time Education and Recreation

Youth work also organises the leisure time of children and young people in a variety of ways and invites them to participate. Youth work activities in Berlin are carried out both by independent youth welfare agencies and at the district and state level by public agencies. More information

KInder vor Zelt

Youth Associations

The interests, issues and demands that young people articulate in their associations develop from the circumstances and living environment of the young people. Youth associations are important partners in youth policy when it comes to social and political participation and representation. More information

Reaching children and young people

Youth work fulfils its own educational mandate in cooperation with schools. With the support of social workers, young people are offered educational opportunities that are based on their interests and needs and open up for them possibilities to create, experience and participate. Children and young people take part voluntarily in the youth work programmes organised in cooperation with schools.

With the state programme for youth work in schools, youth work activities, for example school clubs, are specifically located in schools and in the vicinity of schools. The target group is primarily children and young people aged 11 to 16, i.e. students in grades 5 and 6 of primary schools and lower secondary school (7-10) of secondary schools. Older primary school students are generally less likely to be reached by after-school care than younger ones.

Youth work in schools aims at the regional socio-spatial networking of youth work facilities, other areas of youth welfare, schools and other institutions that are important to the education of young people.


The youth welfare organisations and the schools jointly decide on the financing of the programmes on the basis of the district framework concepts. In order to provide better material equipment for the programmes and to ensure that the content is coordinated, the youth welfare offices and the school sector each provide 20 percent of the funding.