Media Education

Frau präsentiert ein Tablet mit bunten Social Media Symbolen

Conveying media skills is an important educational task. It aims to encourage children and young people to use the media in a self-determined, creative and responsible manner as a prerequisite for participation and involvement in the digital society. This is the goal of the state jugendnetz-berlin programme.

State jugendnetz-berlin ("youth network berlin") programme

In all Berlin districts media literacy centres develop, network and support a variety of extracurricular media educational programmes and cooperate with schools in implementing a contemporary media education.

jugendnetz-berlin organises events for children, young people and parents and participates in thematically relevant seminars, conferences and trade fairs, such as:

  • Berlin YouthMediaDemocracyDays, which will take place on July 4 and 5, 2024.
  • Berliner JugendMedienKulturTage, which will take place on 1.11. and 2.11.2024 under the motto ‘Zocken, Tinkern, Tüfteln’ at the Jugendkulturzentrum Königstadtstattfinden
  • Symposium ‘Medienkompetenz verbindet’, which will take place on 15.10.2024 at SFBB.

The Berlin state programme jugendnetz-berlin is funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family and the Youth and Family Foundation of the State of Berlin and implemented together in cooperation with the Berlin districts.

yup! - Berlin youth portal

In addition to a wide range of activities, information and a cross-media magazine designed by young people, the youth portal “jup!” Berlin also offers further opportunities for digital participation.

Media education for social workers

FOKUS media education – the new media education programme for social workers is here

This training programme offers qualifications in media literacy and media education for social workers in children’s and youth welfare.

The aim is to expand the technical, professional and personal competencies of social workers. When working with children, young people and families, media should be taken into account in order to support young people on their way to becoming media literate personalities.

The programme is organised in cooperation with WeTeK gGmbH and BITS 21 in the Association for Youth and Social Work implemented and funded by the European Union (European Social Fund) and the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family with support through

Youth media protection

In recent years, the State of Berlin has considerably improved the conditions for conveying media literacy to children and young people, teachers and educators while at the same time ensuring youth media protection.

The Berlin Senate has passed the Report on measures for youth media protection in Berlin.

The brochure I’M SEARCHING FOR YOU. Who are you? Social networks & data protection tips for young people explains how WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and other networks can be used safely.

You can find more information on media education and child and youth media protection on the following pages: