Youth Social Work

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Youth social work is aimed at young people with complex problems, which are often associated with difficult family relationships, a problematic living environment and insufficient school qualifications. Youth social work alleviates these problems and supports social integration.

Flexible, mobile and motivating

Youth social work supports individually impaired and socially disadvantaged young people between the ages of 12 and 27 with low-threshold programs. Youth social workers approach the young people in places where the young people linger, such as on streets and public places. Or they can reach them with attractive sports, music, media and educational projects in their free time or outside their classrooms at school. Youth social work provides both: social learning in groups – whatever goes with participation – and mandatory individual case management.

Close to the mark

All youth social work programmes address the needs of young people and improve their living situation and support their school learning. The youth social work also looks after young people who cannot be reached by other social institutions. It thus promotes cohesion in society and counteracts negative developments and exclusion. Youth social work makes a significant contribution to realising the goal of the Senate Department of Education: “Education for All”.


Community work and social space orientation, cooperation with schools, youth welfare offices, other youth welfare programmes as well as psychosocial care services characterise youth social work. Opportunities to participate in society are opened up for the young people in order to help them shape their immediate living environment, to volunteer and to resolve conflicts with neighbourhoods.

Jugendliche sitzen im Kreis und schauen Bilder an

School-related youth social work

In school-related youth social work, social workers support school-related training and social integration of young people in school More information

Junge Frau mit Smartphone, Strausberger Platz, Berlin

Street social work and mobile youth work

Street social work and mobile youth work support young people whose centre of life is on the streets and public places or who do not attend any existing youth recreation facilities on their own initiative More information

Jugendliche spielen Basketball

Sports-oriented youth social work

Sports-oriented youth social work is aimed in particular at socially disadvantaged and educationally disadvantaged children and young people or those from socially highly stressed neighbourhoods. Sports are of great importance to children and young people More information

Regulations on Youth Social Work

  • Broschüre Jugendsozialarbeit 12/2019

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