Unaccompanied Minor Refugees

drei Jugendliche sitzen draußen

Unaccompanied foreign minors (so-called “Unaccompanied minor refugees”) who enter Berlin without parents or a legal guardian are taken into custody by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family in order to avoid homelessness.

Provisional placement and initial care

The initial reception and clearing centre (EAC) for all unaccompanied minor refugees is located at Prinzregentenstr. 24, 10715 Berlin. The facility is open around the clock and organises the prompt admission and accommodation of unaccompanied children and young people.

Pre-clearing - check of assignability

The so-called pre-clearing begins after the requirements for provisional taking into custody have been checked. In this phase it is checked whether a nationwide assignment is contrary to the children’s well-being. If there are any obstacles to assignment, the minors remain in Berlin and go through the clearing procedure in the youth welfare facilities provided for this purpose.

Clearing process

The clearing procedure includes the clarification of the situation of the children and young people up to subsequent accommodation in a youth welfare facility. The Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family works closely with the various institutions and services as well as with the specialists from the youth welfare offices, which take on the children and young people as soon as a guardian has been appointed and the youth welfare needs have been clarified.

Point of contact for the issue of unaccompanied minor refugees

Do you have personal concerns or specific complaints on the issue of unaccompanied minor refugees? Then please send us an e-mail. The point of contact set up for this purpose will be happy to help you.

Point of contact for the issue of unaccompanied minor refugees

Do you have general questions or need advice on the issue of unaccompanied minor refugees? We will answer your questions at the e-mail address set up here.

Initial reception and clearing centre (EAC)

Prinzregentenstraße 24
10715 Berlin
open: 24/7 h

  • Implementation regulation on granting youth welfare for underage refugees not accompanied by custodians (AV - UMF)

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