Paths (path network)

Path network in Hobrechtswald, 2015

Path network in Hobrechtswald, 2015

The Hobrechtswald can be explored in many different ways thanks to its well developed and versatile network of paths.

Hiking paths

Many parts of the Hobrechtswald can be explored using the convenient bicycle and foot paths. Along the paths you will find several observation platforms and viewing points, information boards as well as relicts from the area’s former use as a waste water works (see also Rieselrundweg).

Wind shelters offer safety during storms and rain as well as providing a place to stop and rest whatever the weather.

Bridle paths

The Berlin Forestry Commission Berliner Forsten maintains bridle paths in all the major forest areas of Berlin, and Hobrechtswald is no exception. If you are interested in exploring the area on horseback, you will need a riding permit, which can be obtained at the relevant district forestry offices.

Skate and bicycle routes

Combined skate and bicycle routes have been established by the municipalities on the Brandenburg side of the forest for use with skateboards, longboards, inline skates and bicycles. These fast and gravel-free routes run parallel to “Hobrechtsfelder Dorfstraße”, “Schönerlinder Straße”, “Schönwalder Chaussee” and “Bernauer Damm”.