Open-air exhibition at Platz des 9. November 1989

Platz des 9. November

On Bornholmer Strasse in the Pankow borough, an exhibition conceived by the organization Berliner Forum für Geschichte und Gegenwart e.V. takes a former GDR checkpoint as a backdrop to explore the following themes:

  • November 9 in German history
  • The “peaceful revolution” in the GDR and 9 November 1989
  • Border installations and the border crossing at Bornholmer Strasse
  • Other Berlin Wall memorial sites

The landscape architectural design was by sinai. Faust. Schroll. Schwarz. Freiraumplanung + Projektsteuerung GmbH, while ON architektur was responsible for the exhibition architecture.

The square is edged by a surviving section of the “inner security wall” (Hinterlandsicherungsmauer) that once enclosed the checkpoint at right angles to the border. A timeline embedded in the ground recalls the historic day the Wall fell.

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