Open-air exhibition at Platz des 9. November 1989

Image: Birgit Kahl/bffb
On Bornholmer Strasse in the Pankow borough, an exhibition conceived by the organization Berliner Forum für Geschichte und Gegenwart e.V. takes a former GDR checkpoint as a backdrop to explore the following themes:
- November 9 in German history
- The “peaceful revolution” in the GDR and 9 November 1989
- Border installations and the border crossing at Bornholmer Strasse
- Other Berlin Wall memorial sites
The landscape architectural design was by sinai. Faust. Schroll. Schwarz. Freiraumplanung + Projektsteuerung GmbH, while ON architektur was responsible for the exhibition architecture.
The square is edged by a surviving section of the “inner security wall” (Hinterlandsicherungsmauer) that once enclosed the checkpoint at right angles to the border. A timeline embedded in the ground recalls the historic day the Wall fell.
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