Berlin Wall

  • Berlin Wall Memorial

    The Berlin Wall Memorial is the central memorial site recalling German division

    More information Image: Stiftung Berliner Mauer/J. Hohmuth
  • Remains of the Wall

    Berlin's conservation authorities have been working since 1990 to preserve parts of the former border strip

    More information Image: Senatskanzlei
  • Fall of the Wall

    On the evening of 9 November 1989, a new travel regulation for GDR citizens was announced

    More information Image: Landesarchiv Berlin 0312160/Edmund Kasperski
Doppelsteinreihe Mauerweg Wannsee-Staaken

The Wall inside the city

Find out where the Wall once stood and where you can find historical and current Wall-related sites inside the city. The Wall inside the city

Weiße Kreuze am Spreeufer


Crosses and other commemorative markers were put up as early as 1961 in places where people were shot or died trying to escape over the Wall. Memorials

Fahrradfahrer am Brandenburger Tor

Berlin Wall Trail

Along a total of around 160 kilometers, the Berlin Wall Trail traces the course of the former GDR border fortifications encircling West Berlin. Sections of historic interest, with traces of the old Wall, alternate with stretches of natural Beauty. Berlin Wall Trail


The Berlin Wall has long since disappeared from reunified Berlin. Memories of it, however, are still very much alive: remains and traces of the former border installations are being preserved for posterity, memorials have been built, and the Berlin Wall Trail allows you to explore the former course of the Berlin Wall on foot or by bike.