BAF – Biotope area factor

Grüne Innenstadt - BFF - Biotopflächen-faktor

Berlin´s landscape program formulates basic goals and measures to promote high quality urban development with respect to the ecosystem, protection of biotopes and species, the appearance of the landscape, and recreational use.

In the city center, using the “biotope area factor” (BAF) makes a particular approach to securing “green qualities” possible. In Berlin it can be established in landscape plans as an ordinance.


General map of all landscape plans in Berlin that are in the process of being prepared or have been established by legal ordinance:

Ein begrünter Hinterhof sorgt für mehr Lebensqualität.

Objectives and content

A major objective of Berlin's urban development is to reduce environmental pollution in the inner city area. The focus is on improving the functionality of the natural balance and promoting biotope development while maintaining current land use. Objectives and content

Fassadengrün wirkt insbesondere positiv auf das Lokalklima.

Areas of application

The BAF covers the urban forms of use residential, commercial and infrastructure and formulates ecological minimum standards for structural changes and new construction. All greening potentials such as courtyards, roofs, walls and fire walls are included. Areas of application

Planungsvariante 2

Calculation Examples

Each plot of land can be designed in various ways. In principle, measures that lead to an expansion of the area of vegetation on the ground are given priority. Only then should additional possibilities, such as the replacement of asphalt and concrete with other surfaces, be utilized. Calculation Examples

Principles for its determination and identification of the target

The biotope area factor as an ecological parameter - Basis for the determination and determination of target values / Literature study for the determination of credit factors of the biotope area factor of different categories of the area types of roof and vertical greening. Principles for its determination and identification of the target