Call for competition entries 2024

The submission deadline was June 28, 2024. We would like to thank all participants for their great commitment.
The jury will meet on August 22 and 23, 2024 and the winners will be informed immediately in which category they have won. All other participants will only find out which round their work has made it to through the minutes of the jury meeting. The minutes will be published at the award ceremony on 22.11.2024.

Attractive tasks from Berlin, the German federal states and foreign countries have been chosen for the competition. Importance is attached to explorations of where open space planning and landscape architecture cross boundaries into other areas.

Task A Regional

A transport axis in transition: Visions for Leipziger Strasse
The Berlin task for the central Leipziger Strasse offers the opportunity to rethink a metropolitan traffic space. The Leipziger Strasse is to be defined as a model for the sustainable transformation of a main inner-city thoroughfare into a vibrant public space.

Task B National

Transformation Lusatia: New landscape Welzow/Město Wjelcej
2038 aims to end the active open-cast lignite mining in Welzow-South. The Lenné task seeks ideas on how energy and landscape, art, culture and tourism can provide new impetus in an area that has been heavily reshaped by open-cast mining.

Task C International

Plataforma Marítima: Green connection between city and sea
Barcelona offers a green beach promenade with a wide range of leisure activities. In addition to environmentally friendly mobility and social open spaces, it creates benefits such as climate equalisation and protection against expected storm surges. However, there are still gaps in this linear space.

Documents containing the tasks and conditions of the competition will be available in German and English from 19. February 2024 on
  • Peter-Joseph-Lenne-Prize 2024: Further questions (English version at the end of the document)

    PDF-Document (800.7 kB)

The Lenné jury 2024

  • Ina Bimberg, Karl-Foerster-Foundation
  • Bernadette Brandl, Lenné-Prize winner 2022
  • Oriol Giol Molinos, City of Barcelona
  • Karoline Liedtke-Sørensen, landscape architect
  • Martin Schmitz, landscape architect
  • Steffen Soult, City of Welzow
  • Anke Wünnecke, Federal State of Berlin

Detailed information on dates and deadlines

  • Deadline for submissions: 28. June 2024, 6 pm
  • The jury meets on August 22 and 23, 2024.
  • The ceremonial act with the award ceremony will take place on 22. November 2024 in the Akademie der Künste at Pariser Platz.