Public and private Playgrounds

Kinderspielplatz Nauener Platz

Public Playgrounds

Public children’s playgrounds are designed with various use types, in accordance with the diverse playing needs of different age groups. The care and maintenance of these grounds is largely assumed by the borough departments of green spaces (in German).

Small children’s playgrounds

Suitable for children under six years of age. With a usable playing area of at least 150 sq. m., the playground facility consists largely of a sandbox, a slide and a swing.

General playgrounds

For children and young people, with a usable playing area of at least 2,000 sq. m.; these also include playing opportunities for small children. For children over six, the playing opportunities are enhanced by a wide variety of playing facilities, e.g. climbing structures, carrousels and cable-rides. Playing fields, adventure playing areas, or water-play areas may also be included.

Playgrounds for elder children and adolescents

Playgrounds for older children and adolescents suitable for children and adolescents up to 12 years of age. This includes sheer ball-play areas, areas for skating and bmx-biking, as well as sports equipment, such as ping-pong tables.

Educationally supervised playgrounds

For children six years of age and older, with a usable playing area of preferably 4,000 sq. m. This use type includes adventure playgrounds, hands-on building playgrounds and children’s farms. The use of educationally supervised playgrounds is available only on weekdays and during the working hours of the supervisors. The care, maintenance and supervision of these playgrounds are the responsibility of the youth departments of the boroughs.

Playgrounds with time-restricted utilization

For children over six. This involves the additional utilization of playing areas on schoolyards outside school hours.

The Law on the Protection, Care and Development of Public Green and Recreation Spaces also applies to children’s playgrounds. Dogs may not be taken onto children’s playgrounds.

Private Playgrounds

According to the stipulations of the Berlin Building Code, the builder is required to install and maintain a playground as part of the construction of any building with more than six apartments or more. Under § 8 Sect. 2 of the Building Code, at least 4 sq. m. of usable play area per residential unit should be provided. The size of the area should however amount to at least 50 sq. m., and should be suitable for play by small children. If a construction project with more than seventy-five apartments is planned, the playground should also be suitable for play by older children. Exceptions are only admissible if the intended use of the building makes the presence of children unlikely.

The care and maintenance of private playgrounds is generally the responsibility of the owner.